Legislators hopeful medical marijuana bill will make through Kentucky House and Senate

One issue to keep your eye on this session is medical marijuana. Last year, it passed out of the House but stalled in the Senate.


  1. When you use this drug you are not in pain so much plus it relaxes you, and you are not thinking about killing , or actually harming no one , it give you the munchies.you eat and go to bed. I the there will be less crime with this legalized and less over doses .

  2. Someone needs to tell the senator under federal law it's a schedule 1 drug. Which we all know which should not be. That's why the FDA John Hopkins University has not done studies. Duh! There are some small studies done by small universities, which in my opinion is purposely done that way. All he has to do is go to the dispensary in metropolis and see all the disabled veterans in line to buy cannabis. We all know it works but the senator apparently is clueless.

  3. Why do squares always overcomplicate things.. its somewhat common knowledge how marijuana is ingested.. you don't need pack of Russian scientists and the mayo clinic and phizer and OSHA to convince you of the safest way to ingest it. You either eat it.. smoke it… or vaporize it.. and its not for everybody. So just because when you tried it that 1 time and you turned into a nervous wreck and ended up curled up in a ball on the couch scared for you life doesn't mean that happens to everyone. Its really not that complicated I promise. Like.. yano how some people can handle alcohol and some cant? Some people can handle weed and some cant. If I can make the choice on my own to go buy a pack of cigarettes that you all literally allow poison to be put into to intentionally make it more addictive then I should be able to grow my own marijauana or buy it. But once you've figured out how to make plenty of money off of something that would positively benefit the community I'm sure that's when it will be passed finally.

  4. They haven't even passed medical marijuana? 🤯 Skip all that shit! in Washington State. We have corner stores for (state legalized) recreational marijuana sales and it seems to be better for everyone to just put an end to making such a fuss over pot. At the end of the day It seems less destructive than alcohol so 🤷🏼‍♀️

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