1. It was a completely normal thing to tease someone by calling them the opposite gender when I was a kid,now a kid does it and they may be sued for harrassment

  2. modern zoos are not just for display, they're also there for conservation, conserving the animals we like from us destroying their habitat. but they need funds for conservation, so they sell tickets.

    aquariums fills a similar purpose

  3. About that NASA messages,
    it is because space is not a straight line..
    Eye of the beholder rule is in place,
    aka it will see what has been bent trough space.

  4. Yeah native americans do have issues with alcohol, my grandfather, my aunt, all my uncles, my dad. Even one of my brothers though he quit, I'm not exactly sure why its common but from what I've read alcohol wasn't something that native americans ever created.

    Just that Europeans over thousands of years became accustomed to it so they are less likely to build an addiction. My grandfather was full blood, I don't remember to much about him but my father said he drank heavily but still managed to provide for the family. I remember my father coming home trashed, I just knew it was something I should avoid. While I've drank it might only be 1-2 times a year max, though I've gone multiple years without drinking.

  5. 38:53 They can't punish them specifically for using their own preferred pronouns, the 1st Amendment prevents that much, but they can do something if the language was a part of a pattern of unwanted harassment.

    They can always run it by the Supreme Court.

  6. 11:29 It can be prevented with smallpox vaccines that we already have.

    Totally up to you to experience it, I had the vaccine in the ARMY & the single spot from it still has a scar. All over your body would be disfiguring.

  7. 5:29 The research team controlled for all bias.

    Why should it be shocking that there would be differences between groups of Human Beings that evolved for tens of thousands of years in separate populations that are as detectable in bones as they are in skin tone, eyes, or hair?

    Humans are clearly terrible at detecting those differences though.

  8. On the X-rays, I had assumed that the X-rays were showing something like an enlarged heart or whatever tells there are of heart disease which in the US has higher rates among African Americans. Those other options are good too though.

  9. You know how losing one sense makes the others sharper? The CHEESE Story is PROOF that HipHop kills your hearing (and probably sight, feeling….) 🙂

  10. Well we were told to see black off in the summer! We have in 100 miles, as large windmills as California, 10 dams including Grand Coulee, 3 nuclear plants, and 3 gas and coal plants! It is all going to California!

  11. I recently saw a quote from Napoleon and thought about how you guys always rag on Musk.

    "If you wish to be a success in the world, promise everything, deliver nothing."

  12. The "Mirror test" for Animals? Who came up with that idea? Most Animals drink water. Guess what, you can see your reflection in it. That doesn't keep them from Drinking, right? So they KNOW it's a mirror image. The only thing, that might confuse them, is how warp-free a mirror's surface is.

  13. Robot, space and nonsense probably my fav day of the week. Tho I do love hearing how everything is hacked and on fire. Makes me feel good… Until it happens to me.

  14. Nothing about ConEd's corruption is funny when they're your only option for electricity.
    It is infuriating how there's zero requirement for them to maintain and upgrade their infrastructure to meet demand. They repair what they have to, so there's always crews out there.

    Also, the Gucci Adidas thing is just a parasol, which has been around nearly as long as the umbrella. Sunscreen and people being indoors more relegated them to special occasions, but they're still a thing.
    $1300 is a ridiculous price for one though.

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