1. You people are decades behind and politically corrupt still. As a Louisiana native born and raised, this state is always ass backwards. The federal government can't break the very laws they enact against their bosses, the citizens. But yet they do so.

  2. The black market of THC contains growers and not drug dealers. Why would we only want the government to sell weed and make all that money while Bubba isn't allowed to grow his own meds for him and his friends and family. Unfortunately thats how it is

  3. hopefully louisana doesnt make the mistake that Arkansas and other states made.
    do not set up the program to where the black market wins and the state makes no money,
    bring workers per diem from states like colorodo and do it right so the quality is where it needs to be,
    dont choke the consumers and make sure regular americans can be bussiness owners or this entire dance will be for nothing.

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