Medical Cannabis: What Research is Revealing | Arthritis Talks

In this webinar researcher and medical cannabis expert, Dr. Jason McDougall, shares what research is telling us about using …


  1. This is very encouraging to see in the research realm, I am a living testament to the benefits of indica (vape and edibles) on osteoarthritis…. have chronic whiplash from multiple MVAs and it is imperative to my healthy sleep and functioning. Ironically, I cannot tolerate CBD as it acts as a stimulant for me and counteracts the sleep benefit.

  2. Thank you for bringing awareness of the benefits and backed them up with actual FACTS and parts of history when it was first being studied and used for different ailments and musculoskeletal issues.
    I suffer from arthritis and musculoskeletal issues and without it couldn't possibly deal with the pain and debilitating issues that go hand in hand with having both.
    Education and research is key⭐️

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