Medical Marijuana Patients Say They Are Being Discriminated Against And Denied Jobs

More than 600000 Pennsylvanians are card-carrying patients who use medical marijuana for a variety of conditions and ailments.


  1. this es also happening in wv even tho they have protections under the law the companies still use it as a way to fight against patience as well as medical hospitals r turning away ppl who use it medically

  2. People who are sick and in pain every day and still go to work are HEROES
    I had a botched surgery put me in horrifying pain and confined to bed for 4 years now.
    I can't get out of bed to get to the bathroom
    I don't know how other people are able to go to work
    I lay in bed crying every day.
    I wish I had the courage to end my life.

  3. I find it hard to take this segment seriously when one of the ID cards is for Mary Jane Smith. Where was the card for Reef R Jones or Bud McStoned?

  4. The problems exist because they are seen as drug users. Perhaps a lot of the younger people and people from the hippie generation don’t see it that way. But the information is there now called science that says that there are more downsides than there are upside for marijuana. My ophthalmologist told me years ago if there’s anything good in marijuana it’s easily removed, you don’t have to smoke it to get the benefits. He said that people who used marijuana for decades and had eye issues never had any improvements that he could see as a result of smoking weed. Before anyone gets stupid, I am just the person bringing you the information, I don’t take any position on whether or not you should ingest anything even water. I personally don’t care whether you use it or not I’m particularly concerned about anyone who uses any substance that could cause injuries or death to another person. I’m specifically talking about alcohol. Remember almost all opioid drugs were prescribed by people legally allowed to do it specifically doctors. You couldn’t buy the product directly from the manufacturer called big Pharma nowadays.

  5. it is big pharma that wants weed illegal, because people who smoke weed, don't need all these pills they want you on for life = guarenteed income. No one has the right to tell you that you can not have a plant, no one..

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