1. Hello from Maine! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
    Home of 25% THC! + we have DABS! Etc.
    While you get your cannabis from street dealers, be sure you get some Coke a Cocaine! Because you all help dealers when its illegal 😱 You know, as pot is legalized..it goes down in price! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
    4.75 $ for a gram of 17 to 20 % THC. [No Paraquat] 😁✌
    Now I have to roll a joint of Acapulco Gold! No πŸ’©
    Puff puff pass πŸ“πŸ„πŸ˜‰

  2. They don't want the flower legal though. Just edibles. They want the permits to grow to start at 20k$. They are trying to legalize it for corporations to profit. They are not trying to legalize it for people's benefit.

  3. One guy says if they can't guarentee public safety then I have a problem with that. πŸ€” Then ban Alcohol if you're concerned about public safety πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

    I got out my pipe stuffed it with pot
    You better believe it held a whole lot.
    I whipped out a lighter thumbed up a flame
    Sucked down that smoke which comforts my brain.

    I tried alcohol smoked cigarettes
    They did nothing but give me regrets.
    My mom had arthritis could not walk around
    I rolled her a joint she danced on the ground.

    I thought I was losing my lovemaking knack
    After I smoked some to me it came back.
    Soon I decided prices were high
    I searched for some ground I wouldn't have to buy.

    I bargained for seeds from smokers all around
    Got in my truck and drove out of town.
    I walked through the woods where wild birds nest
    Found me the meadow I thought was the best.

    I dug up the ground sowed all my seeds
    Said a small prayer for strong, healthy weeds.
    I watered at night with a five-gallon pail
    Mosquitoes went hungry for I wore a veil.

    Seven months went by; I thought I would die
    Till the Halloween moon was high in the sky.
    At night I went out, in a camouflage suit
    Used my corn knife to chop down the loot.

    I hung it up to dry where it couldn’t be found.
    Came back and got it, when it had turned brown.
    I trimmed off the buds, stuffed them in bags
    Called all my friends and passed out free drags.

    In less than a week my crop was gone
    I flew to St. Thomas with a love hungry blonde!!

    By Kansas City Poet Tom Zart
    Google = Most Published Poet On The Web
    Tom’s 1,650 Poems Are Free To Share!
    Google = George Bush Tom Zart

  5. If all they want to legalize are oils and edibles then I hope it fails. Oils and edibles are all the lawmakers want to legalize and the long onset times encourage overuse. Smoking flower allows an almost immediate onset so dosing is more easily controlled. The lawmakers also don't want people to grow their own. If they don't issue a bill that includes smoking and home growing I'll vote against it. California voted against it first time around. Look it up.

  6. Lol would the rural voters pass it? We're the ones growing it! Yes, it should pass. We are desperate for pain relief. Doctors are reluctant to prescribe opioids, people are dying of fentanyl overdoses, and i think it would benefit Kansans!

  7. 3 legislators charged with DUI and set free, these are the same people telling me I can not, Republicans need to stop blocking ballot measures we the Constituents deserve a say we voted you in, we can vote you out

  8. LOL, I remember around 1977 being pulled over entering the "ghetto" with a 12 pak of brews. The idiot cop looking for the keys to my 914 Porsche found a lid of weed, which I quickly tossed into the lawn nearby. It was still there the next morning. This morning "bong hits are for him, "COUGH"! Is it me or does the "Corona" hate pot smoke?

  9. Legalize federally and treat cannabis just like we treat far more dangerous and deadly booze. It's beyond ridiculous that in some states cannabis is perfectly legal but in a handful of states ran by woefully ignorant prohibitionist politicians that cannabis is still a crime. Legalize federally so that cannabis consumers are never ever criminalized anywhere in the entire country ever again and vote out all prohibitionist politicians whom are intentionally obstructing full federal cannabis legalization.

  10. Reefer Addicts! I left backward K. C. in 1985, Hawaii, Seattle, Las Vegas now retired in the "Baja" going on 16 years. Where 2 types of "Pancho Villas Marijuana" are deliveved to my "rancho not so grande". This morning "bong hits" are for you.

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