Patient Profiles: Royal Canadian Air Farce's Alan Park on Hemp Oil and Prostate Cancer

The story of Alan Park, Royal Canadian Air Farce comedian, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2013. He turned to …


  1. I realize I'm late to the party here, but I'd love to know if anyone has read anything, anywhere, saying whether the oil Alan Park used was high THC, high CBD, or a mix of the two. I'd also like to know if he took the oil orally or through the back door route. These are important details, and I wish people would share them! Also: I loved hearing Alan's story. Good stuff!

  2. I had 2 lung cancer surgeries. 30% left. Yuck . what else could they do? chemo, yum yum . radiation too big./ one year to live. but dig this DIET, no sugar, no bread, organic food. no $ for oil but it just came and I just ordered a vial. The tumor went from 7.1 to 5.7 from last scan. Got cancer in 2009, first surgery. , yet it came back. I agree with Alan . oil and diet. much better than chemo and no hair.

  3. What happened to all the cancer outside the barn, in the bones? He doesn't mention whether he had folow up biopsies, just states psa values.Ā  How is he doing today?

  4. So he mentioned Rick Simpson oil a few times, then he mentioned CBD oil . Rick Simpson oil is a THC oil, so question is what kind of oil was Alan taking, a THC or a CBD?

  5. When he said he could do anything now, I thought he might say he can even play the violin, and he couldn't even do THAT before! (since he is a comedian!) Anyway, I do hope he is cured. You're not considered cured unless you pass 5 yrs without cancer showing up somewhere again. Or is it 10 yrs.

  6. The story of Alan Park, Royal Canadian Air Farce comedian, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2013. He turned to medicinal marijuana, and you won't believe what happened next.

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    "Cannabinoids are INHIBITING these kinase (cell signaling, energy/food transfer) this leads to Autophagy or cell digestion, cell death called Apoptosis basically cell suicide."
    Dr. Cristina Sanchez
    "THC binds to protein receptors on a cancerous cell's surface, inducing cell to make Ceramide, prompting cell to start devouring itself, programmed cell death. Noncancerous cells don't make Ceramide when they come into contact with THC, HEALTHY cells don't die."
    Dr. Manuel GuzmƔn

    "Prostate Cancer cells carry molecular 'garages' called Receptors. The Scientists (U. of Alcala) showed that if Cannabinoids 'park' on a Receptor CB2 Cancer cells stop multipyling. Scientists switched OFF the CB2 Receptors on the Prostate cells. Cannabinoids were added to cells without the CB2 the Prostate Cancer cells divided and grew. Research shows areas on Prostate Cancer cells recognise and talk to chemicals in Cannabis, Cannabinoids."

  9. Very cool testimonial brother..So great to have yet another success story to point to! Keep up the great work for the community brother. .we appreciate all you are doing!

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