Shi Farms Overview 2018 – Industrial Hemp CBD Farm

Shi Farms is a Colorado Dept. of Agriculture Licenses Industrial Hemp Farm proudly located in Pueblo, Colorado. We operate …


  1. Если в России к этому придут то тюрьмы разгрузятся копитально сидеть будут только корупцыонеры

  2. Hey long time gardener..I could only dream of being at that level. Seeing it in person would definitly be a dream but would maybe say I'd chop just above the soil for harvest leaving the roots for the microbe 🌎 plus it is easier on labor. Peace Love Y'all

  3. NC Legislature just approved Hemp for growth and processing. I have access to over 200k sqft of industrial manufacturing space perfect for indoor growing and processing. We have access to hundreds of acres of approved agricultural land. I have applied for my NC growers and processing licence…we are looking for partner to collaborate with and take advantage of this historical oportunity…please let's connect

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