Stage 4 Cancer! I'm Tired of Fighting! EMOTIONAL & RAW Confession!

Two Days away from starting my new cancer treatments. An Emotional honest confession.What helped me lose 45 lbs-Biomelt …


  1. I don't know how many people in the world think they will never get cancer themselves or have a family member get it. I have always thought I could get it myself or have a child who developed it. I honestly don't know how I would handle it. I have a very low tolerance for pain or discomfort. I don't want to go through years of awful treatments only to have the cancer keep coming back. It would be too hard even to think about a future. That is life-shattering. I hope you do get relief soon. Try to keep hope alive, even if you are exhausted. It's OK to doubt your future. You're human. God bless you.

  2. Hi Jodi… I am a 4 yr. breast 🎀 cancer survivor. It was in my left breast and under my arm pit. I got thru it by the grace of God. I love ❤ Jesus and I am a prayer 🙏 warrior. This is my ministry to encourage and pray 🙏 . Almost every day Jesus sends a new friend for me to pray with about cancer. I am meeting wonderful ladies. I will be praying for you. May God bless you and be your all.

  3. I've just met you on YouTube and adore you and respect your honesty. Your pain is your pain, please don't compare yours with those who may be worse. Pain is pain. I love your beautiful green eyes too. I am in your corner.

  4. You are wonderful!!! You're are allowed to have a petty party! Heck! Read chapter John 9/1 to 5. That will also affirm to you: GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOU ALSO: Matthew 19: 26. But JESUS CHRIST BEHELD THEM, AND SAID UNTO THEM, WITH MEN THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE; BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE !!!!
    THANK GOD!!!
    I am praying for you!!!
    I'm glad for your plan. I know you may not want to here one more snake oil treatment! But their are several DOCTORS who do Intro drips of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is also made by the body naturally. It cleanse the blood and binds more oxygen to the red blood cells to make them stronger. Then it helps the body expell mucus and other pollution out of the body. It will make you stronger. Plus it makes more oxygen for your lungs.

    Last one snake oil suggestion: Before expensive CHEMO the way the medical Establishment treated cancer. Was with a iron lung chamber…. Like for pollo or the water diving bends. It did not cure cancer but it slowed the process…
    I'm not a doctor. I just like to do research. But check with your doctor. Both of these treatment are not as taxing to the body.
    Last thing, I don't know if you contacted the cancer society. They are wonderful!!! They give you and your husband support. ( NEW TO CHANNEL.
    Best of love!!!

  5. i think i remember a study about the pink stuff and i think the gist of the story was you had to ingest close to a truckload to get the cancer. they did those studies on rats and rats are way smaller than humans. so just don't ingest a truckload. shame on that server for not giving you the pink stuff. i think the others are more harmful, just my opinion. i'd have the pink stuff any day.

  6. you never owe any explanations if you don't want to. nobody's business. and the sad eyes and stuff. ugh. I think God only chooses strong people for Cancer not the ding dongs.

  7. As a cancer survivor it drives me crazy to hear people say 'cancer free' . there is no such thing except 'ned' or no evidence of disease. i believe that's what they call it. people need to get woke. oy. that's just me though.

  8. Jodi, please leave your lips alone , your beautiful just the way you are sweetie, and take one day at a time , maybe you should get off YouTube for a while and just relax and and not bring it (the cancer) up so much. You really need a break sweetie. I'm tried for you. Give it to God and take a break. May God keep you safe.

  9. You can be grateful and complaining at the same time…. scream do whatever you want and feel capable of. Prayers going up and across the universe for you and your family….. much love 💘,

  10. You don’t need to be cheerful all the time. Also you may help someone by sharing your emotions. It can help you also by getting out your feelings. I am really proud of you!

  11. My cockapoo, Fonzi used to love to chase lemons & limes we threw out in the yard (we had lemon, lime & orange trees) and he would do this for hours on end. He loved to suck on the lemons, drop them, pick them up & suck on them some more. He always had fresh breath. lol What a character he was! Nothing like the smell of orange blossoms in the springtime. As for Bentley in the pool, how about getting one of those big butterfly catchers and just scoop him up in it? Oh Jodie, I know you are emotionally, mentally & physically exhausted. I wish I could give you a big hug. You don't owe anyone any explanations. This is your journey. And you have a lot of people walking it with you, whether good times or bad times. And sad times. You are in my daily prayers. Hugs. xx <3

  12. I understand. I am angry that cancer took my best friend,my husband and soon another dear friend. CA cer stinks and you have a right to your pain and weary of. Fighting.

  13. Dear Jodie
    It is so hard to sit and watch you struggling with all your emotions.
    My heart goes out to you. You are such a beautiful inspiring and I am hugging you and praying for you. Love Deborah x

  14. Lady I don’t know you, came across your video. I’m at a loss of words, what on earth can I say? You are in a bad place in your life and there are no words. What I will say is what I know, what I’m 100 percent positive about and that’s that u are beautiful and I’m not just saying that you are very pretty. You are precious, absolutely precious! I know that the Lord I serve loves you very much and He’s still in the healing business. When we feel like we can’t go on is when Gods power excels so u being so distressed just know He above is working triple time for you

  15. Every day I wake up and give gratitude to God for giving me another day on precious earth. No one is promised tomorrow. Not my will but God’s be done. I have always believed everything happens for a reason. Keep the faith. There is a purpose and everything is planned by God. Tears do cleanse the soul.

  16. Jodi, you are such a blessing to me, and many others. Yes, our hope is in Christ. Life on this earth, is but a vapor, and it will end for every single one of us. I hate to think of you dying Jodi, I can’t imagine a world without you. Most likely, you will meet Jesus before I do, and my heart will rejoice that you are safe in His arms. You are here this day, and I’m so grateful. Those other people who are being mean, are fools.
    I’ll keep praying for you and God’s timing, for strength, peace, and yes, even for healing!!! If your healing happens in Heaven, then I’m rejoicing for that too. I love you, Friend. You don’t need to question if you are enough for God. You are so precious to me, Jodi.

  17. * also I’ve mentioned bf but you probably missed it! I would love to hear you tickle the ivory’s on that gorgeous piano, and maybe a little music ministry?

    That would be wonderful !! ♥️

  18. Hi dear Jodi, unfortunately in this world there are many who have never learned empathy! God knows your truth and He has a reason for keeping you on this earth.
    Maybe through your realness in your journey, maybe showing others it is possible to have joy in the midst of tribulation. The God on the mountain is still God in the valley.
    You are truly a radiant person inside and out!
    Lifting you up in prayer dear one in Christ! Love and blessings!

  19. It’s okay to speak your heart. You have that right! If it offends someone let them move on down the road😁. I don’t have cancer but I’ve been living with a health issue that is terminal so I get how your feeling. If your going through a good moment in life some people tend to doubt how sick I still am or if I’m really in pain but the best one is if my body is to weak to do something and have to decline after awhile people make comments like I’d invite you but you probably won’t come. I feel your frustration! I helps me sometimes when I feel like you are today that I’m not the only one who is going through this. Praying for you and know your not alone!

  20. Sending you lots of love and hugs, I cried with you I feel so sorry for you but as you said God is with you and he is keeping you alive!! Have faith Jodie, I will light a candle for you and pray for your health when I go to church on Sunday!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  21. I been fightin' Cancer for the last 10 year's. It will be 11 year's in August. I just keep fightin'. It keep's commin' back. I'm startin' to get tired. I'm tired of the pain mostly but I'm tired of not being able to sleep and being so tired all the time. But the Indian won't let me give up or quit. I just live.

  22. Preach it sister !!! I've been through the same thing. One lady said you can't have chemo without a port , I didn't have to but I showed her my port. Im tired of proving that my stage 4 lymphoma is a real thing. Im currently in remission and will have my last chemo on July 7th. Then by monthly monoclonal antibody infusions. My life expectancy is 2 to 3 years
    It is soooo hard to keep a positive attitude and a smile on my face. No one knows really what you're going through unless they're going through the same thing. They should leave the snide comments at the door and just act like normal

  23. Bentley quit making your momma have to save you from the pool. 😂 naughty boy💜 I’m picturing you doing a canon ball into the pool in a dress. I don’t know why that’s so funny to me. Side note you look so beautiful

  24. You complain all you want Jodi! You’ve been through so
    much physically, mentally and emotionally. The book of Psalms are all laments to the Lord. Don’t feel guilty about feeling or not feeling a certain way. May I recommend “No Cure for Human” by Kate Bowler. She is a 40 year old that was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer and has yet to be cured from this dreadful disease. She even has a podcast, “Everything Happens”. You might glean some insight that may be encouraging. Thank you for your journey with us. God bless you and your family. 💖🙏🏼

  25. You are allowed to feel this way Jodie.WILL Always admire and love you.There is a reason for everything and you are an amazing person dont ever forget that.Bless you love always my friend.xxxx

  26. Keep your chin up love! You are so amazing and beautiful. You have been so strong. I wish I could spend time with you. You are a beautiful soul. Never doubt your faith. Don’t think it selfish to be in your emotions. You need to get there your emotions with your long battle and a kind hearted woman once told me after you work threw your emotional battle. Keep in mind that beauty is never just skin deep. You’re the most beautiful woman I have seen in 14 years.

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