Study: Edible symptoms more serious than smoking

A new study shows the symptoms of consuming edibles are more severe than those tied to smoking marijuana.


  1. I went through a period of eating a lot of edibles back during lockdown in 2020 and it got me so paranoid each time, I kept worrying about getting cancer from smoking since I always had pains in my chest and people kept telling me to stop being silly and stop eating edibles but instead I stopped smoking cigarettes 💪 thank you edibles I’m 2 years smoke free while my friends are still smoking and I now welcome the paranoia from edibles that keep me straight

  2. Another thing I notice about edibles is that the high can accumulate over a day or two…if you’re taking them several days in a row, you can still be high the next day, and you won’t have to take as much to get as high as you were yesterday because you’re already high and just adding to it…It doesn’t really work that way with smoking it because the high is so much quicker, you would need to smoke MORE than you did yesterday to get the same high.

  3. Listen if you are going to take edibles start of with 10 mgs good high should last you a while the mistake people make is they are so excited to be high they take more than they should and that is when the problems starts, i recommend staying away from thc capsules, it is a pill and it is not for beginners, believe me you do NOT want to ingest a thc pill your first time doing an edible

  4. They are trying to make it sound like those patients are in actual danger of dying or long term injuries, why not just tell they are there because of paranoia? because boomers wouldn’t watch it?

  5. Gummy too much: "OMG! I am SO paranoid right now! I cannot believe my mind!" Goes to sleep. Wakes up refreshed.

    Vodka too much: "OMG! I am SO paranoid right now! I cannot believe my mind!" Goes to sleep. Never wakes up.

  6. They should have read the suggestions on the label .
    Any adult will have a minor amount – a half gram – will gain benifit . Having higher amount , 1-2 grams , within 2 hours , will produce antidepressant effects , plus relaxation of the body sufficiently that stress can be dropped . During the day , this is a nice sensation , being physically happy . If you cannot handle it during the day and or are naieve to it , take the minimal , at night , about 30 min before bed , and sleep it off .
    Or if you have access to leaf or bud , make an infusion out of it , useing the used canabis in a chocolate brownie or similar – just don't be greedy for it .

  7. Acute psychosis and panic attacks are temporary. Caused by caniboid induced toxicity or overdose. But when taken correctly, are harmless. This Dr. , spoke correctly, but the new edited most of his dialogue.

  8. Man I had waaaaaaaay to much once . I was off my tits for 3 days straight . It just kept getting worse and worse , not something I would recommend doing , 3 days is a very long time in THC land. . .

  9. Bruh lmao I can't even imagine going to the hospital from weed. Worst case scenario I doordash some shit at 3:00am and sleep in. Wake up with a dry ass mouth. The horror, the horror. lmaoooooooo

  10. Oh god shut up. Edibles are wonderful and help me sleep like a baby. I also love it when I can choose to be high for 8 hours like I will be tonight. Stories like this are dumb.

  11. I messed up my ingesting too much. Threw up and felt horrible all night and still feel bad the day after. It’s not that marijuana is bad, you just have to get to know your limit

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