We must acknowledge the medicinal properties of marijuana or weed! This is a very brief guide as to what exactly is allowed and …


  1. May I ask a question? Everything if eaten or drunk in large quantities is poisonous, for example if you drink too much water you can get water poisoning and the same applies to almost every food, while almost everything in the right quantities is good for your health (for example the poison of various animals or plants is used in medicine). So what is the real meaning of "what intossicates you in large quantities even a small quantity of it is prohibited"? If you followed it literally what that says would imply you to die of starvation/thirst. The problem that I see in that phrase is that nothing(or almost nothing) is unconditionally good or unconditionally bad for your health and it depends on quantities(for example a drug(medicine) could help you with a disease but you might day if you over the maximum quantity allowed). In my country we say the problem stands in the abuse of something, but I see that this doesn't seem to be your phisolophy.
    I don't mean with this question to disrespect you beliefs or your religion or a personal attack against you, I'm just curious. I hope for all of you a good day.

  2. Hashish is forbidden fruit like in the Garden of Eden.
    Rules are made to be broken however, vis a vis Adam and Eve.
    Note they did not die but were only required to leave paradise.

  3. I really feel left aside hearing and seeing several testimonies from people on profits they make from Bitcoin/Forex Investment. Can someone recommend a good expert that trade on my behalf and generate profit for me

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