A win for marijuana decriminalization in San Marcos

The City of San Marcos validated a petition asking to eliminate the enforcement of low-level marijuana offenses, leaving it a city council vote away from passing or landing on the ballot in November.

The petition, a joint effort by San Marcos social justice group Mano Amiga and Ground Game, a Texas voter engagement group, seeks to decriminalize possession of up to 4 ounces of marijuana in the city.

San Marcos City Council is unable to change the language of the petition and can pass an ordinance to decriminalize low-level marijuana offenses itself or send the issue to the ballot, leaving it to voters to decide.

Sam Benavides, Mano Amiga communications director, said the petition arose after dissatisfaction following the city’s cite-and-release program debuted in 2020. Low-level marijuana offenses were eligible to avoid arrests but still remained on an individual’s record, forcing them to engage with the legal system.

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Benavides said Ground Game hopes putting the issue on the ballot will boost San Marcos voter numbers in November, a figure Mano Amiga hopes to increase with upcoming voter registration drives on Texas State University’s campus and eventually launching a student chapter of Mano Amiga.

The City of Austin voted 85 percent in favor of decriminalizing low-level marijuana offenses in May, a result Benavides is confident citizens of San Marcos can replicate.

“I do know by connecting with community members literally every single day to collect the signatures that it is a very popular issue here as well,” Benavides said. “So, I have no doubt that it’ll also pass in San Marcos.”


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