Brian Carroll's #1 warm-up mistake made by strength athletes

Don’t make this mistake when warming up. #warmup #core #strengthtraining Brian Carroll’s Website: …


  1. Brian,
    When is a good time to do that thoracic extension that you and Stu showed on YouTube and that I saw in my back mechanic book? Also I benefit from the psoas lunge. When's a good time to get those two moves in? I'm stiff in the low back, hips and thoracic spine region. Towards the end of the day I feel discomfort in my thoracic region and posterior neck area and I have to do a wall plank and/or constructive rest. I want to do calisthenics eventually, but not until I'm pain free and build a core of iron. The cause of my deficiencies come from sitting so I'm working on removing that cause daily.
    Thank you Brian,
    – Walt

  2. I was one of those guys that stretches and rolled then thrown a plate on to warm up. Mobility never got better. After reading 10/20 I started warming up, big 3 and starting with the bar. My go too are rolling planks for squats, dead bugs for deads, and dolphin push ups for bench. I sprinkle others as needed but general this is enough. With the bar I do holds at bottom of squat, and bench. This allows everything to open up.
    It is not said enough how this psychologically prepares you for your sessions! Definitely understand the strict core concept now.

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