Can marijuana treat migraines? (Conditions A-Z)

Marijuana’s been used as migraine relief for centuries, and doctors who believe in it say that the vascular changes caused by …


  1. Yes it can.
    Also prevents them from coming back.
    Also cures cancer.
    Also treats ptsd.
    Also treats chronic pain.
    Also treats diabetes.
    Also regulates insulin levels.
    Also encourages weight loss.
    Also…. 😝
    Lets just say the real reason its illegal is cause big pharma will lose so much $ over this plant being uses globally as a medicine.

  2. I just tested this hypothesis and I believe this to be 100% true! Marijuana provides instant relief for migraine headaches. On a further note when I smoked it habitually I would hardly even get migraines.

  3. I just tested this hypothesis and I believe this to be 100% true! Marijuana provides instant relief for migraine headaches. On a further note when I smoked it habitually I would hardly even migraines.

  4. I used to have chronic headaches Atleast 2 to 3 headaches a week ever since I've been smoking marijuana I had no head aches maby like once a mounth if I'm lucky

  5. im allergic to Ibuprofen which rules out all typical over the counter pain killers and the only thing I can take is Tylenol which has little to no effect on my migraines.  One day a migraine had me bed-ridden and a friend of mine offered me a joint and within 10 minuets my migraine was completely gone, since then I've been lobbying for MMJ legalization in Ohio so I can get a card and relieve my migraines without breaking the law.

  6. My dad knows a guy who has a medical marijuana card. here in Hawaii you're allowed to have up to six plants. it doesnt matter how big they are. so the guy has six lined up in his house covering the entire wall.

  7. 2 Hours ago I had the aura, was seeing spots everywhere and it was trippy as hell. The migraine kicked in so I headed off to buy some bud, very averaged outdoor and viola my migraine is now bearable after a bong. Its pathetic how this is denied in order to make the Pharmas and doctors more money… Heartless greed…

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