Cannabis, Religion & TTC Baby #3? Q&A July 2022

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  1. My husband and I began attending an Orthodox Presbyterian Church – coming from a contemporary non – denominational church – and I second the reverence of the services. It has also answered questions I've had, that I didn't realize would be found by reformed teaching as a life long believer in Christ. And also, kids attend the service too (:

  2. Hi Nikki! Iā€™ve watched you for many many years and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever commented. Iā€™m an orthodox Christian who converted from being a very strong non denominational Christian. I said all the same things you said and it took me several years to truly embrace orthodoxy as it was embracing me. I thought I didnā€™t like ritual and liturgy, but now it is so comforting to me that it is unchanged and millions of christians and saints have worshipped in the same liturgy. There is definitely so much to unravel and I truly feel like Iā€™ve only dipped my toes in- it is such a deep faith. Check out Father Josiah here on YouTube, he has an engaging channel with lots of commentary on current times. Hugs!

  3. How are people still following her? This person is a straight up narcissist who refused to adopt a child because she couldn't post pictures of them online for the first year. It's beyond pathetic. Apparently she didn't realize that you cannot even post pictures of your adopted child in the US for the first few months either. It's just a great indicator that these people should not have more children. The world revolves around her.

  4. Hey Nikki! Are you able to start catogorizing the sections of your videos/talking points? Im not sure how to explain it but i have seen many other youtubers do it recently! Would be helpful!

  5. Do you follow Father Mike Schmidtā€™s? Heā€™s about to do the Catechism in a year! Which could be super cool for you guys!
    I was raised Catholic, and I am hardcore for the bring your kids with you into your worship/service of any kind.

  6. "And I saw the dead,Ā small and great, standing beforeĀ God,Ā and books were opened. And anotherĀ book was opened, which isĀ the BookĀ of Life.
    And the dead were judgedĀ according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.
    The sea gave up the dead who were in it,Ā and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them.Ā And they were judged, each one according to his works.Ā 
    ThenĀ Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire.Ā This is the secondĀ death.Ā And anyone not found written in the Book of LifeĀ was cast into the lake of fire." (REVELATION 20:12-15 NKJV)

    Today, while you are still alive and able, may you repent from your sins, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that JESUS CHRIST is your Lord and Savior, so that through Him, your name will be written in the Book of Life.

    "ForĀ GodĀ soĀ lovedĀ theĀ worldĀ thatĀ HeĀ gaveĀ HisĀ onlyĀ begottenĀ Son,Ā thatĀ whoeverĀ BELIEVESĀ inĀ HimĀ 
    should notĀ perishĀ butĀ haveĀ everlastingĀ life.
    For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." (JOHN 3:16-17 NKJV)

    The gift of Salvation and Eternal Life is available to all. You can RECEIVE it. You can REJECT it. May you choose wisely… āœļø

  7. Woot woot Nikki! Cannonplus is such a source of encouragement. My family and I plan on moving to around the Moscow area (from VA) in the next few months and attending their church! We also are attracted to Idaho's ideals and way of life!

  8. Itā€™s a breath of fresh air to listen to you speak. I donā€™t watch every video so when I come back after a few months every time I see so much growth in your freedom and opennness! I totally agree with your stance on pharmaceuticals and cannabis- I was over prescribed antibiotics for continuous strep throat in college, and then in my 20s I literally became allergic to everything out of nowhere- gluten garlic canola oil just to name a few itā€™s insane lol. Iā€™m happy to be on a healthy diet that I can tolerate now but will never not raise my eyebrow at medical treatment after that experience.

  9. I really appreciate your story about hiding in the bathroom in 4th grade. I totally understand going in there and waiting/hoping for someone to come check on you and then being completely disappointed when no one did.
    I understand it from your childhood perspective and also you looking back as an adult. I, too, would not want my child to have something like that occur. The teachers are often too busy to go hunting for one kid, and that would never happen in a homeschool situation where the mother OBVIOUSLY cares much more than a single teacher ever could.
    Not the teachersā€™ faults, but itā€™s just impossible to give enough attention and care to each and every child when you have 20-30 in each classroom.

  10. I really enjoyed this Q&A!! I love how you didnā€™t hold back and werenā€™t afraid of what someone might think about your answers. Loved it!!!
    I would definitely enjoy more of these type of videos Nikki šŸ˜Š

  11. The freedom to parent, yes!!! I donā€™t coparent with anyone (except my partner lol) especially the government!!!!! šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼

  12. In my experience, Catholics differentiate and use the word Protestant more. Most Protestants I know don't care that much. I think it is tied to the concept of the Catholic church as the one true church

  13. I love listening to you talk about different topics, and itā€™s clear that you use logic and your best judgment to help you and your family choose whatā€™s right for yā€™all! I do find your discussion on religion and denominations interesting, but I really encourage you to read the book muscle and a shovelā€¦. I think youā€™ll be quite surprised how insightful it is, trust me, itā€™s a great read.. love your videos!!

  14. Hi Nikki! I would suggest looking for Traditional Latin Mass (FSSP) itā€™s really reverent and I feel like that has brought me closer to my Catholic faith. Dr Taylor Marshal on YouTube has great information on Latin Mass, and watching Mass of the Ages on YouTube is also a great informational video on what the Latin Mass is.

  15. Mike Winger (on youtube) has done some interesting research about the history of the Catholic Church, there is a strong argument that the original Catholic Church would not allow some of the current traditions at all.

    I have a deep respect for certain virtues of the Catholic Church, …titles can be isolating, …it seems like most religious gestures have far less to with God then they do with…family pride or heritage, no matter the religion. God knows our hearts, God is a Spirit, he alone knows who his children are.

    tradition seems to be a good thing in a lot of ways.

  16. My mom was never really interested in homeschooling. Until I was 3 and successfully completing kindergarten workbooks over the summer. Parents know their kid best and there is no reason to hold kids back so they meet ā€œcurriculumā€ expectations:)

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