Cannabis: Separating the Science from the Hype | Mara Gordon | TEDxPaloAlto

NOTE FROM TED: While some viewers might find advice provided in this talk to be helpful as a complementary approach, please …


  1. Cool talk but don't frget there are other risks with the use of cannabis, like memory loss, the triggering of some underlying genetic condition or even (in some extreme cases) a substance abuse disorder, specially when you are takin a drug to medicate against a negative psychoaffective state. And avoid mixing it with other drugs too.

  2. CBD has great benefits, but works better with thc.
    I would argue that it does have value on its own merits.
    Thc does not always mean pain relief.
    Certain strains are much better than others for pain relief.

  3. Cannabis is one of two things; it's either 1 species with tons of different strains or cannabis is a genus with 3 distinct species that each have tons of strain variations.

    Those 3 species of cannabis are cannabis Sativa, cannabis Indica, and cannabis Ruderalis.

    Cannabis Sativa is a species of cannabis originating out of Asia but they grow naturally in many countries that are close to the equator. Sativa generally look very tall with large long narrow leaves. They produce a soaring energetic active high (the I want to go outside and do stuff kind of high.

    The 2nd species of cannabis is Indica which came out of Pakistan and India. Indicas look shorter with more wide leaves than Sativas. 

    And because Indicas are short, they are most often grown by legal indoor growers. And its the most common cannabis group in parts of the world where people can't easily grow outdoors. Indicas have a high that's heavy (couch-high, relax).

    Almost all cannabis is not a genetically pure Sativa or genetically pure Indica. The overwhelming majority of cannabis is some kind of hybrid between Sativa and Indica with one being more dominant than the other one, (dominant Sativa or dominant Indica). 

    The 3rd overlooked species of cannabis is Ruderalis. Several variations of Ruderalis grow in Central North America right out in the open. They look very different from the stereotypical cannabis plant. Cannabis Ruderalis is very short, weedy, and have a very low THC content.

    Ruderalis cannabis seeds are autoflower seeds or autoflowering seeds. Autoflower cannabis seeds go into flowering when they reach their flowering phase regardless of the light cycle indoor or outdoors.

    Feminized autoflower seeds are popular among legal cannabis growers. Autoflowering cannabis seeds go into flowering regardless of the lighting cycle.

    So due to the fact that Ruderalis plants do not rely on different light cycles, they therefore have been used as a genetic tool to create autoflowering cannabis that flowers without changing the light timing.

    It's worth noting that other groups of cannabis have been separated from the pack over the years by various experts as potentially distinct species. For example cannabis Afghanica or cannabis Kafiristanika. Those variations are interesting but the majority view and my view is that they are merely variations under one of the 3 species as opposed to distinct species themselves.

  4. one smart lady i ben smokin since i was 18 I'm 67 now i take no pharms i sleep great most nights its ben a medicine for 3000 years or more big pharma don't want this nature cant be patented

  5. Very hard to get in Australia and expensive and lots of paperwork my doctors knew nothing about it and looked at me as if I was a drug addiction taken so many different drug s prescribed by them for 8 years I thought they were going to know all about it I have ptsd I have my first visit with a doctor that will prescribe this soon i am hoping to get well soon

  6. Why hate on marijuana and continue with the pills, like the pills aren’t making things worse? These pills are so harmful to the body. In my opinion Marijuana is WAY better..there’s people who take about 7 pills throughout the day.. what’s wrong with smoking throughout the day?

  7. It's a dilemma between a little suffering with diseases versus people high with cannabis committing more crimes, road accidents, kids falling out of school. US has been experimentation ground at cost of its people in the name of innovation. Japan still does import GMO food from US and it will watch a full generation for effects.

  8. I went from 7 pills a day from the VA for service connected disabilities to 1 after I started medically using MJ. No side effects , no long term problem.

  9. I am a medical doctor, and I would recommend you from TED to invite Dr. Paul Oh to show the people another side of Cannabis, just to let people also understand the other side of the use of this plant and its properties. He is a kind of specialist in the effects of Cannabis on the human heart and could give you some medical insights about the matter. For example, it was said in this lecture that there are more than 500 substances with medical properties in Cannabis. It's not true. Although there are some substances that can be used as medicine for some illnesses, there are really more than 500 substances other than THC and Cannabidiol in Cannabis, but the majority of these substances are not known by the scientists today, some are really harmful, and this should be known by the person who is thinking about using Cannabis as a treatment. Let me tell you that I'm not against the use of Cannabis as a medicine, but it should be known by the public that science is only scratching the surface of knowledge when we talk about Cannabis and medicine.

  10. First time I hear about CBN.
    I have had sleeping problems since my childhood.
    Few months ago I got to try this strain (vaping) on a two separated nights with few days in between.
    And both of those two nights I slept full 8 hours without waking up.
    I think i have no other choice but to get seeds of this strain and become a criminal for a beter nights sleep and quality of life.
    From where can I get more exact information about CBN and other likewise parts of cannabis?

    Thank you for this tiny bit of information I got from the video

  11. The plant can't be patented, so the pharmaceutical industry does no research on this plant because they can't profit. Now you know why, 100 years ago the pharmaceutical industry was behind getting cannabis banned, it stood in the way of huge profits.

  12. She's talking about doctors knowing what dosing, what dosing are they giving people with this vaccine? Voodoo science, and marijuana is God made, I wonder which one I would want in my body

  13. Cannabis is not for everyone but it is medicine to many. Looking forward to the end of cannabis Prohibition in the US. Thank you for sharing this. 💚

  14. I work at a grow facility & just got my med card to shop next door at the nearby dispensary. It took a long time coming, but it's high time we legalize recreational cannabis to make it simpler to dispense treatments. We'll work out the science of it later.

  15. If u break it down to compounds u will ruin it's ability to cure. It cures because it is all in one. When u go over achieving in one of its molacules rather than another it will become addictive. Marijuana is the only drug that once ur stoned you don't keep wanting it. Cause u can't hit it cause ur coughing and laughing.

  16. Watch the documentary on Netflix with this woman in it. She’s in it all for the money and puts a good front on. She’s a selfish woman and she’s in it for all the wrong reasons.

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