CBD Benefits — Dr Philip Blair

Magnifying the benefits of CBD with Ketogenic diet by Dr. Philip Blair, MD. Find out more: www.Prohealthadvisor.com www.


  1. From personal experience, Keto and intermittent fasting PLUS CBD and occasional small 5mg dose of THC. Combined with long four-hour walks in nature, have improved my mood, energy and sleep considerably.

  2. Keep up the good work doc. I am a farmer and we are going to do our best to bring an excellent product to the market. There are way to many cbd products that don’t measure up. I share your vids with anyone that will listen. Much appreciated.

  3. I had been on a low-carb diet and then transitioned to a ketogenic diet about 3 weeks ago. I am hoping it will help with inflammation in addition to taking my CBD (I have lupus). Thank you for your expertise!

  4. Very well explained and easy to understand . As someone with PTSD , depression , chronic pain as well as addiction issues this is very exciting regarding the neurotransmitter healing possibilities . Could be profoundly life-changing .

  5. Could you do a series on CBD,keto for IBD and IBS? I would appreciate this ever so much. I'm already using Keto and just now starting with CBD.

  6. It's sad to see such negative comments by one member instilling fear into this discussion. Wiki has a good discussion about the legal status according to the different entities of the USA. I stand by my statements and my clinical case reports. If you are considering CBD then choose any high quality product from a quality producer. CBD is already proven effective in clinical studies for epilepsy: Epidiolex and Sativex for Parkinson's Disease.

  7. Urine testing: CBD is not detected by standard drug testing in urine. But, about 1/50 individuals using CBD only products will show a positive THC most likely as a false positive on confirmation. Self tests are available on the internet. CBD vape will never show positive. Liposomal product in low concentrations and dose are very unlikely. But, caution may be necessary.

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