CBD Oil: Magic Performance Elixir or Made Up Scheme?

What is all the hype around CBD oil? Whether you’ve heard about it yet or not, it’s getting a lot of buzz amongst athletes at all …


  1. After many failed attempts with other brands I finally found this brand. The products at Weedborn are the best and I don't think I will ever have to look for another CBD supplier again.

  2. After many failed attempts with other brands, I finally found this brand. Weedborn products are the best and I don't think I will ever need to look for another CBD supplier. I would recommend for practically any health problem.

  3. Tldr CBD helps with anxiety which then allows people to sleep deeper which means better recovery. This is why super models have no responsibility and have low stress so they don't get acne lolol

  4. Some misinformation in the video: "CBD contains less than 0,3% THC". This is incorrect. CBD and THC are both components of cannabis plants. Some plants are very rich in THC (marijuana) and poor in CBD. Other plants are richer in CBD (hemp) and poor in THC The oils extracted from plants that have THC<03% are those which will not give you a high, because THC exists in a residual percentage.

  5. In order to buy a legitimate CBD products don't you have to have a marijuana purchasing card first ? legitimate CBD oil are only sold from dispensary not through mail order? Isn't that illegal in most states ?

  6. The problem with CBD oil is it isn't tested or regulated, so there is a good chance there is no CBD in the oil you are buying. Further more it may actually be contaminated with THC; the component that gets you high.

  7. CBD oil is NOT legal in all 50 states. With the recent Farm Bill, hemp-derived CBD is legal federally, but as usual states have the ability to regulate. Some still do not allow it or haven't caught up with federal law yet..

    I just listened to the Trail Runner Nation podcast from last week on this topic and it is very well-researched – I suggest giving it a listen for a deeper, more accurate dive.

  8. Blimey, I was just looking at whether to buy some of this stuff this this week! Thank you so much Elizabeth. It really does sound like it will help me in my winter "get my running back on track" season over the Christmas break. Thank you again for all of your tips and videos, hopefully this will help my sleep too.

  9. CBD is basically garbage without the THC. CBD and THC work together. For either of them to have any actual benefits they need to be combined. Its the entourage affect. I run 50+ miles every week and I fully use cannabis. THC+CBD Edibles, and a strong indica to vape after a long run to cool the muscles.

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