Climate protesters disrupt Sydney CBD

Climate protesters are making their way through the CBD of Sydney, disrupting intersections and slowing down traffic. It comes as …


  1. About time these OXYGEN THIEVES were jailed (for a couple of months at least) instead of being given a slap on the wrist and set free to do it all over again. Wonder how many have only solar and or Wind power sources for their home or use Bicycles to get around. I might be all for a change but affecting other people lives and lively hood is NOT on

  2. Why are Australian climate protesters so weak and woke, why don't they have the courage to go and protest in China, the worlds largest carbon emitter, and see how they get on, maybe the chinese will decide to attack and take over Australia one day then see how these idiots get treated

  3. (2:24) A very big thank you especially to your reporter,
    who supported the protesters as a true heroic braveheart role model so actively during their road blockade attempt 😀 😀 🙂

  4. Solving Sydneys traffic problems. 1930s. Build the Sydney Harbour Bridge. 1950s. Then take the trams off it and add extra lanes. 1960s. Then build the Bradfield Highway. Then knock down all those shops and houses and build the Cahill Expressway. Then build more expressways to funnel traffic into the city. Problem solved. NO? 1980s. Ok, then build a tunnel. Problem solved! NO? It still sucks at peak times. How many people in each car? ONE! What? A single 1200 to 2000 KG car carrying ONE 100kg person? someone makes a lot of money from this nonsense. I'd love to know who.

  5. Good for them. The TV stations and little cable networks love to COMMENT on PROTESTs; "terrible people slowing traffic"; but actually do some serious journalism on GLOBAL WARMING and the impact that it's already having around the world, forget that.

  6. Millions of people protest for freedom and media make less fuss about it than 100 climate crazies …. Aha yep “police outnumbered” by 100 people but not 100,000 when they were protesting for freedom from mandates

  7. these idiots should be arrested and sentenced to a week in the classroom! Should be forced to receive and accept the FACTS about climate change… the real figures that show there IS NO GLOBAL WARMING, that man has very little effect on climate one way or another, that the predictions of global doom that have been used to motivate them are false (they have been conned) and that most of the proposed changes that they are promoting are actually more harmful to the environment they purport to be protecting

  8. I wonder how much additional fuel was used as a direct result of these clowns actions, guess there's no way to fix stupid…..but you can FINE the hell out if them.

  9. If I were to walk around the community up ending garbage bins or deliberately out to cause full harm to others I would be thumped over the skull with police batons and hauled before the courts . How come these dead beats to society are treated with no real full force of the law ?

  10. Arrest them all, charge them with blocking a public street, fine them $2,000 a piece and let them try it again. This is better than taxing normal people.

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