1. i recommend microdosing mushrooms, lsd, dmt, mdma, chocolate bars it has really helped me on anxiety, depression and ptsd🔝☝️look up that handle, he got shrooms varieties and ships swiftly,a mycologist that guided me.

  2. Next time Guy Chamberland may get the chance to talk about his main field of expertise: shell companies and how to make shareholders pay him a fortune with nothing in return.
    He cashed out millions a few years back with an Aphria deal and did not deliver anything since then. Recruiting for any of the trials literally does not exist. Guy is a master of postponing milestones and fluff news: "Hey, we teaming up with another company to distribute something we do not have." – just to act like something is happening in the background.
    TETRA BIO PHARMA IS NOTHING BUT A SCAM TO ENSURE GUY'S JOB UNTIL HE RETIRES. Stay away folks, Guy is a horrible CEO and does not give a * about anyone but his pockets.

    The only thing uncertain in 2022 is, if Guy will suck out more or less than 500k $ from the company this year in expenses.

  3. Sorry but go back and watch all the interviews with Dr Chamberland the CEO there is no promesse kept, and the SP is down 90% now, the submission to Health Canada about Qixleef is on the 60 row (sort by Submission date ), All the Youtube promoters of TBP are now silent and off the screen, even Chamberland is keeping his salary of 400k $ despite the difficulties of the company, the only thing that i see is the shareholders are being fooled and this is a big SCAM.

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