Cosmic Queries – Pot Luck with Neil deGrasse Tyson & Dr. Staci Gruber

Are we “wired for weed”? On this episode, Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-hosts Chuck Nice and Gary O’Reilly weed out the myth …


  1. Or you could just mandate that everyone worldwide joins the trial and you’ll have all the data you need!
    I seem to have read something about this recently! 🤔

  2. Allot of people know about how well echinacea works when you have a cold or a flu. But I dont think allot of people are aware that echinacea is a cannabinoid

  3. Cannabis is NOT a weed. It is one of the most domesticated and cultivated plant on the planet and throughout much of our history.
    It is non-invasive, non toxic and tho it resembles a bramble has no thorns.
    Speaking of which, I feel it DOES resemble a bramble and is fitting for the Bible reference to the King of trees in the Bible parable in judges book 13

  4. Tyson stays high…he probly won't admit it tho because his mentor, Carl Sagan had testimony released posthumously that he was an advocate of and regular user of Cannabis but did not want it revealed publicly because it might discredit his contributions to academia.
    No way Tyson is not aware of this fact and likely has also used regularly his entire career.
    Look at his eyes and face always anyway. The proof is in the pudding…

  5. The strain was originally called Webfoot due to the leaves looking more like a duck feet. If I remember correctly they reverse bred it like 17 times to get it to the Charlette's Web. Real pioneers of CBD. If using CBD you should try a ratio of THC/CBD for full benefit 10:1 or 20:1

  6. Cannabis absolutely works better than opioids for pain. 20 year chronic back pain 3 surgeries. 2 weeks out of a spinal fusion and only using Cannabis. I started refusing all drugs less than 30 hrs after surgery so I could get out of the hospital and get my THC pills and smoke.

  7. Neil Is a super star loved him for years . He was the solution to me not being able to listen to Carl Sagan, the gaps, the pauses, the breaths – TRIGGERED !.

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