Dr. Sanjay Gupta: I've tried marijuana

While discussing medical marijuana, CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Piers Morgan both say that they have tried cannabis. More from …


  1. People are overdosing, in normal 1 gram of thc not even good one, is 16 high doses so i feel like people are not overdoing it but overoverover doing it. microdose thc is not a thing alt to lets say shrooms.

  2. Im a marijuana smoker and been smoking marijuana for 35 years. Everything they saying that its bad is BS. Single dad took care of my 2 kids without government help. I don't drink alchohol or do pills. Both my kids graduated high. So don't believe the hype these idoits are saying. Its all the lobbyists not wanting it legal be cause it's cutting into to their profits.

  3. He more than likely tried sativa, the same thing happened to me when I tried it, it made my anxiety really bad.Indica is the kind you should try, for me it removed my suicidal depression and social anxiety. You won’t have to take it but one or more times per month because the marijuana will stay in your blood for that long.

  4. It’s dec 4 2020 I’m watching cnn … I say to myself Sanjay looks high I wonder if he smokes? A google search later here I am 😂 Sanjay is a stoner

  5. yeah so, the moral here is that smoking and alcohol (completely legal, over the counter) can be sold to anybody of age and there will be no consequences for consuming these things EVEN THOUGH there is evidence upon evidence that it can lead to death and permanent health issues BUT marijuana can be criminalized (literally get arrested for it on sight) because it can be…an addiction? as if smoking and drinking is not addictive? as if cigarettes don't have nicotine, a literal addictive chemical, and there's no alcholics out there? please. families have been broken, lives ruined because of these over the counter consumptions. marijuana has been proven to help improve pain and emotional stress by millions and yet it's the devil's lettuce. whatever.

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