GI DOCTOR reviews: Does marijuana help or hurt your gut?

since it’s “420”, I made this video about marijuana and the gut! let me know in the comments below if you’ve had experiences …


  1. For me, it gives me the runs, and I have post infectious IBS. It took a few weeks, but it happened. It also causes nausea for me, and lingering anxiety that lasts for weeks. Made my reflux way worse too. Very paradoxical from what people tell me. I do NOT have CHS, (no vomiting).

  2. Anybody else gets tenesmus after smoking? Do they know the diagnosis or what do this mean? I use to love smoking everyday all day, I stopped smoking I get occasional tenesmus but now I have constant stomach pain. You are a smoker please smoke responsible drug abuse is not a joke!

  3. I have esophagitis, hiatal hernia, and GERD…
    I’ve been an every day smoker for many years.
    When symptoms don’t allow me to eat, cannabis is the only thing that helps with appetite. It eases the burning pain, but it doesn’t always go away.
    I’ve now developed major anxiety, to the point where I don’t travel or like to leave my home for events due to my gastrointestinal issues. If I don’t smoke, I can’t eat.
    = pros and cons

  4. I suffer from Central Sentization Syndrome and have been using medical marijuana products for many years now ..and find it has really helped me overall but, I'm tired of being wasted all of the time just to keep my severe, widespread nerve pain and associated chronic illness issues under control. Because my illness increases all of the bodies senses, I find it can also on occasion, make my pain worse, much worse, although only temporarily so far.
    Although, I have really been experiencing extreme gastrointestinal issues since starting the use medical thc vape pens though. It seems to me that it sets off a flare up of all of my symptoms in my body, which I'm finding only exasperates my health issues further. Even the medical oils I use are putting my digestive tract through hell. Thinking to quit altogether honestly but, super concerned about what I'm going to do for my pain, doctors only prescribe antidepressants for pain these days, which do help a little though, good luck getting off Lyrica after using it since I got sick in 2015 though, I've tried it's Impossible! Serious brain zaps and serious itching just to name a few of the symptoms when I tried to come off Lyrica. Still using Lyrica but much less of a dose.

    Thanks for your video, very informative! Hope my feedback helps others to decide whether it may be right for you 😀
    Vancouver Canada 🇨🇦

  5. I have ulcerative colitis. I've just read a study saying cannabis which I smoke leads to peptic ulcers. Your thoughts on thus?

  6. Hm….i wake up nauseous, not really in any pain, UNLESS i vomit, which hurts a lot. I sort of bark when i puke(scromitting). i use omnaris ciclesonide nasal spray it helps a lot.
    i think a hot shower helps cure just about any woe, but NOT nausea, i havent been able to take hot showers since i had shingles 5yrs ago anyways.
    Interesting how a treatment for nerve damage due to shingles AND chs can both be treated with capsaicin heat?

  7. I'm currently a 15 year Marijuana user and have been in-between a IBS diagnosed and some doctors saying its CHS . Yes hot showers do help lol so I quit smoking and things stay the same at times worsen . My Dr says it's CHS and my GI says it's IBS

  8. Am so suprise to see my Norovirus cured because all my doctor told me no cure, only Dr.Osaoji on YouTube encourage me and gave me his herbal medicine which I use in treating my stomach bug

  9. For me I noticed whenever I heavy smoke marijuana, my IBS actually starts to flare up and I get really bad tenesmus which is dreadful to have and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody. However when I do it in moderation it seems to help. I realized when I stop smoking after heavy smoking for a month or two i start getting night sweats and soak my bed like every night for a week and have really bad insomnia. But once I am clean and start eating normally, don’t get the munchies etc… I start to feel better again and my IBS goes away. However, there are also other factors involved, like when I smoke I tend to eat more, maybe I am not consuming enough water to counter act the weed smoke. I’m really not sure, just thought I would share and see what others think…

  10. Their is no effect on marijuana to the body except it’s good for the body it helps with constipation and moves things along in the intestines believe me I know by first hand experience❕❕❕❕

  11. I’ve recently been diagnosed with GERD and was wondering if edibles, which I take regularly for anxiety and insomnia, would negatively effect my digestion and acid reflux?

  12. I was an opiate addict for 33 years I was on methadone 1 year ago I was 300 lb and dying a slow death from methadone addiction. Now after eating marijuana for over a year i stepped away from my methadone clinic at 38mg because i was spitting out half or more and they wouldn't take me down quicker so finally i just kept my last sunday and split it into 5 and tapered myself the final week and its been 2 weeks now now i have no issues and am now actually starting to eat far less mery jane. Is food for the soul. Dont smoke it- you eat it
    It gives you bowels of iron- I will not va kzine either. I know exactly what that point is.

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