Today, we show you how to transplant your clones or seedlings and what size smart pots and containers when growing cannabis.


  1. Show some love and support by dropping a FAT like and subscribing. Follow us on TikTok! Have a great weekend and see you guys on Tuesday with a NEW grow vlog!

  2. Anyone who has said you live in your mother's basement, clearly have no life, and have the time to even give a crap weather or not you live in your mom's basement, are writing in….from their mothers basement.
    Even of you did, how would that affect anyone else's life? Go suck your mama's teet ya losers.

  3. Here is what I'm doing: Started my Virginia born 4 legal plants in 4 in. wide terra cotta pots using Miracle Gro potting soil. At three weeks old they showed leaves to the edge of the pots and white hairy roots emerging from the bottom drain hole. I prepared four holes in loose dirt twice as deep as my pots about five feet apart. I dumped a can full of sardines packed in water (not oil!) at the bottom of each hole. I covered the sardines with a lot of coffee grounds to absorb the smell of the soon to be rotting fish ( fools the racoons). On top of the coffee grounds I shoveled in kitchen waste/ chicken shit compost, added some Miracle Gro potting soil and gently popped my plants out of their birth-pots and placed them in the holes that I then packed with native garden dirt, firmly. Watered the holes thoroughly and that's it! Next up, tomato cages for support. Oh yeah, in Virginia I have to label each plant with my name, my DMV licence number, and the statement "Cannabis plant for personal use". Go figure.

  4. i really think your shades look great on you. I have been growing for about 7 months and found not all fabric pots are good can you drop some brands names you like to work with thanks

  5. Hey fellow someone told me that you recommended my channel and that was very nice of you. Idk how your channel has went under my radar especially with the amount of views you have but I’ll be watching from here on out and thanks again buddy. Best wishes on this years grows!

  6. I use 3 50 gallon pots indoor in my tent 150×150 and 2,25 high
    Possibly to get big yield
    Pleas help me give advice
    I have 2000 lst clippers
    Using 600 watt hps and 2 300 watt led
    Growing fat banana

  7. Really, people dish your sunglasses, and about who you live with, wtf why should that matter,what matter is he gives great advise most of hit tips have been great info. It's all about the BUDS…..😎

  8. You Da Man Keep Rocking The Shades!! am from Costa Rica I got 5 babies you're tips have been helping me so much.. right before the rainy season, this tico will have a nice harvest!!! it's all smoke for me!!! Keep Vibing Bro.. haters are your biggest fans!!

  9. I start my Autoflowers in 12oz clear solo cups filled with coco then dropped inside a red solo cup. I can lift the lady out and check her root system. Great way to know exactly when to transplant. Then she is transplanted into her final 5g Autopot Springpot XL cloth bag rolled down to hold about 4g coco.

  10. 420 scene you the bomb bro 😎 big shout from uk 🇬🇧 hey my friend has asked me to ask you 🤣😉 when you transplant into your finall 5 gallon pot how long should you wait till it gets flipped into flower 🌸 he asks should you let it root out for 2-3 weeks or should you flip ASAP if you could help my friend bro would make hi. M Super stoked ✌🏼🤣😂🇬🇧

  11. What's up 420? Love your channel. Hey I heard you talk about low stress training. Do u have a video on it? I couldn't see any in your titles. If you do, can u please tell me which episode? Thanx in advance.

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