How Marijuana Is Both Legal and Illegal in the U.S.

More than half of the states in the U.S. have legalized recreational and medical marijuana use. However, cannabis remains just as …


  1. Schedule I isn’t for the most dangerous drugs, just ones without recognized medical use. It’s an easy assumption since Schedules V-II are numbered based on their potential for abuse (5 being smallest 2 being highest), but that grading system only applies to drugs with an accepted medical use. Schedule I is for ANY drug with a federally recognized potential for abuse but without any recognized medical use. So in this system heroin, mdma, weed and ayahuasca are scheduled together but not because anyone considered them to be the most dangerous, or to have a similar harm potential, just that there is abuse potential and no medical use.

    Other drug schedules that might surprise you are Meth and Crack at schedule 2.

    Meth is used medically like it’s chemical cousin amphetamine (Aderall) as a diet aid, narcoleptic therapeutic and focus medication. It’s marketed under the brand name Desoxyn.

    Cocaine is still used as a topical numbing agent (if you’ve ever used it recreationally you’ve experienced the affect first hand). Typically only used on patients who can’t tolerate other first line medicines like Lidocaine. Drug dealers will sometimes rub cocaine on their gums to test the strength and purity. Faster, stronger numbing means stronger, purer product.


  3. What this doc has not addressed yet is: if weed was illegal at the federal level, how exactly did some states make it legal? Isn’t that the definition of a slap in the face?

  4. All communities smoke pot and where it's not legal and affects all the communities there not just communities of color. Stop bringing race into everything

  5. See Nixon lied to the public like this about marijuana, is one of the reasons why Americans don't believe in government institutions. And the federal government continues to lie about marijuana and then when it comes to covid they're baffled why the American public doesn't believe what the government is telling them, well if you guys would stop lying maybe people would change their minds about you,you lie about everything you lie about war and you lie about finesse, you lie lie lie.

  6. San Jose California:
    And thus, because of this political buffoonery, the federal government rakes in billions of dollars in state tax revenue because of the sale of cannabis wow simultaneously keeping a stranglehold on the market..🤔

    How convenient…🤨😒🙄 🖕🤬🇺🇲

  7. America needs to stop the stupid war on drugs. It has done nothing to help people that do drugs, and I think it’s cause more death in our country.

  8. The legalization of marijuana should be regulated at federal level to protect children and teens. The news at the TV was about a teen smokes marijuana and passed out drooling. All the dispensaries around the country should be monitoring and check the content. How much they sell? The dispensary that sells the product to the kids, should be immediately close. A girl purchased a lollipop couldn't close the mouth and dull until the effect pass away. Any adult providing kids with marijuana should go to jail. Human being should always have rules and regulations. Protect the people.

  9. Nd is medical only not recreational so if smoking it anywhere outher than in home you might get arrested this also go for any part of yard areas it can get you a felony . you can get it and take it home if do have any papers from a doc. saying what it's for and a copy if need a lawyer if do get arrested and a felony charge and yes a car is under recreational if driving or not . if whas transporting it home from store and yes they watch the places and try to nail you and a fake paper is also illegal. the arest after a store and seen leaving could fall under illegal Entrapment lawsuit.for understanding ask a lawyer

  10. Mafia did it with elections and alchole and herion in 17 1800s just very differently think about it idk grow some weed who gives a fuck about talking about just fucking smoke know how to test your weed lol 😂 fuck yo not complicated

  11. You people are stupid marijuana you cannot overdose it is not a gateway drug your gateway drug is alcohol I've never smoked a joint and said hey let's go fuck some shit up that's what alcohol does to you you get drunk you want to do some cocaine smoke some meth slam some heroin and go out and fucking kill someone marijuana is not a gateway drug if you're stupid it is

  12. Unless you are a stage 3 cancer or lukimeia patient… The government has been handing out 50 pre rolled marijuana cigarettes in big round tins to these people since the 70's when they made it illegal for everyone else. ABC even did a special on it years ago. Its the only "narcotic" in the world that doesnt have a detox program. It had medical purposes. Even legal alcohol sold at just about every corner store has detox programs everywhere and has casued way more fatal wrecks that pot ever will. They couldn't figure out how to tax it so they made it a tool to lock up minoritys. Go learn some facts. Smdh End marijuana federal probation. The war on drugs was lost a long time ago.

  13. Its a flower. If someone tells you that you can't grow or smoke a flower. then they are a dictator. What if someone said you can't drink coffee. Because its bad for you. And it is. Same thing. Make cigarettes illegal. I'm addicted to cigarettes.

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