How To Calculate Edible Dosage |

People are still having a hard time calculating their dosage, so I made this animation to help. Remember the 2 things you need to …


  1. What about thc syrup fam, let's say I'm following ur first video of thc syrup, what will be the dosage for a bottle of sprite or coke ?

  2. Very good, but there are a few things that need to be considered if you're looking to dose at a testable accuracy. First, you'd need to know the decarb rate and potency loss during the infusion process, as well as the losses when cooking whatever baked good you're making. Overdecarbing or heating your flower can degrade the cannabinoids and even convert a few such as CBD converting to CBN (which is why many homemade edibles tend to make you pass out)

  3. I did this yesterday and I thought I was wrong! Thank you for confirming. I’m making lemon cookies for little old ladies and I don’t want to have them on another planet lol

  4. So im curious, what if hypothetically you dont remember the strain you have or the percentage information isnt exatctly available for you to know the % it is , you just know its some gas or some mid grade or some exotic etc etc… then what would you do in that situation kuz i have a bunch of shake from hella diff strains combined i just toss it in a jar if its some exotic i put it in a diff jar if its some below exotic i put it in its own jar as well, so i dont even remember half the names or the percentage mixture that could be in there i just know its usable for butter for sure so im a little stuck on that part, i plan on making gummies and cakes and such but dont know the % thats in the butter to know how much is extremely potent and how much is normal potentcy etc etc

  5. I make muffins w distillate 2 gram for 12 muffins distillate runs 70% to 94% THC it's right for me I got there experimenting started w 1 dart settled w 2 it works for me & it's so easy using distillate

  6. What could u do in case where u have multiple strains of chop blended together. Would u try to find out all the strains or would it have to be broken down more.

  7. My question for you is how can you measure the how can measure how much THC is in your herbs. I don't grow my own bud so I'm not sure how I would figure that out

  8. how much do you lose decarboxylation? and how much do you lose on infusion; the formula i use is: g *1000 * %potency * .9 (decarboxylation) * .6 (infusion); thoughts? love your channel by the way; fantastic!!!

  9. My question is when ever anyone makes butter and you start with a pound of butter which is four sticks, you don’t end up with the same amount you started. When you clarify butter or your making canna butter you are taking those milk solids out of the butter so you will never end up with the same amount of butter. Now if you are using oil you do end up with the same amount. Not sure if your method of calculating is 100% accurate?

  10. Love ur videos! Very helpful! However I have a question I don’t think I’ve seen anyone ask. How do you calculate the dosage if you don’t know the thc level? Is there a so to speak generic level you can use to calculate with instead?

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