How To Use Nutrition To Heal The Body & Prevent Cognitive Decline | JJ Virgin

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  1. Dr. Hyman is such a smart guy. I love that. However, in some ways, he has become lost because he has taken some things on a bizarre tangent. But, that doesn't diminish his essence and intelligence. He believes in himself 100%, which is awesome! I would like to see a continuous update of his beliefs as he learns new information.

  2. Everything about Dr. Hyman looks off, especially the tone and color of his skin. As a healthcare professional I would start to make sure his liver is OK, although no signs of jaundice. I noticed he didn't look healthy in his last video either, although he hadn't been tanning in that one. The tan looks weird, maybe that is why I think he looks sick. Anyway, I wish him only the best, and good health.

  3. Max Lugavere was very interesting, first time hearing him. Does he think the Keto diet is good? What about you, Dr Hyman, do you recommend a ketogenic diet? Also, what are you thoughts about intermittent fasting along with a keto diet? Thank you for sharing such important healing and preventive health information.

  4. I love her determination and testimony about her sons healing from being run over, and his miraculous recovery, when so many doctors saw no hope. She is very inspiring, and motivating to take our health into our own hands, learning alternative, natural, functional healing the body. What a wonderful mom!

  5. I totally believe sugar is addictive like a drug! Love listening to JJ Virgin! Thank you for this important reminder that we need to illuminate sugar, carbs and have real clean food, no GMOs, and no gluten ( toxic to the brain). Why do we have a problem with gluten now, when for years people didn't have a problem with it? Thank you

  6. Also, they researched the glands in the mouth, that makes saliva. With Sjorgens patients they found those salivaglands were less powerfull, like old aged. What must we do to reverse the symptoms of Sjogren. Mitochondrian?

  7. Dear mr. Heyman, I siffer from severe dry eyess caused by MGD. What is caused by less lipids in the maybomianglands. What is caused by less protein in the lipids. That is when you have Sjorgens. Healthy people with dry eyes have more protein in the lipids in their Maybomian glands. What ccould cause this? Thank you.

  8. Agree that ALL natural is the path to better health!
    According to the social security administration the average salary in the U.S. is around $34,000 a year. On that salary It is very difficult to eat non-GMO, minimally processed high nutritional foods! In my neighborhood a can of soda costs 79 cents, a natural spring extracted, glass packaged bottled of water costs $2.50….
    America has become the symbol of ABUNDANCE of everything including food but at what cost? YES, lots of food that basically fills your tummy but has very little nutrients!!!

    Robert from daytradingwiththelight

  9. Be very careful of small risk difference theory of natural raised vs industrial and processing. It must be substantially high in risk difference.

  10. Most of us watching health videos already know to avoid sugar. I thought that I had a fabulous diet. I would often brag about not eating meat for the last 28 years. What I never realized was that pasta is the same as eating cake. Even if the sauce if olive oil, organic tomatoes etc. I was eating big bowls of pasta 4 days a week. My favorite meal. In 2019 I went for a blood panel and I saw that my fasting bloodsugar was 118. (125 is the beginning of diabetes). I was having diabetic symptoms such as blurry vision, and burning in my left lower leg. I immediately went on a healthy keto diet. I've made many tweaks to the diet over that last few years but know it's basically a vegan keto diet. I went through a cheese and egg phase.
    My glucose dropped into the 90s and often the 80s. I lost 35 pounds and my belly is flat as a board. I'm at my college weight. It's so strange to see my body and mind go back into time and be young again. Keto works but don't do the heavy meat version.

  11. Love the idea of everyone eating clean and healthy & no sugar……. Great idea fellas. But……America has 330 million people and only
    a small fraction of those people eat like YOU or are even interested in your advice.
    It's impossible to feed all those people the way you are recommending. Fast food – highly processed food, etc is necessary to keep 1/2 of those people alive. Not everyone can run out and buy a $5 head of lettuce, especially when money is an issue and food is not the priority but keeping the light on is the most important.
    But for those of us that can and do listen to you and somewhat follow your advice, this is an awesome channel and we appreciate your wisdom.
    I appreciate fast food on a very rare occasion……..and dessert on a slightly rare occasion.
    Living to 99 years old without having some not so healthy food would be absolutely boring. I'll bet you agree on that.

  12. I get so mad that the school gives out candy every day….. My daughter is really sensitive to sugar and I get her off but then ignorant people give her sugar and start the process over it's MADDENING!!

  13. One of the best things is that he never takes credit for himself when he achieves something. He always respect us, the audience, and his team, and he is always polite in all of his videos. We congratulate ourselves on this achievement. More to come and everything to come

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