1. Many cannabis stores and dispensaries offer legally safe and secure online purchasing options to their customers

    One other thing that you must also make sure of is whether or not the place you’re buying weed from offers secure payment methods—well, for obvious reasons

  2. So there is a regulated market but the products are not safety proof
 why the hell do you have the Cdc for? And that’s exactly the same problem when. Comes to vaccines!

  3. It’s irresponsible to say cannabis has no negative effects, but I hate how stigmatized it is in regards to mental health treatment. I have very severe anxiety that was treatment resistant. Before I found cannabis I wasn’t functioning period even with therapy and actual psych meds.
    After using cannabis in conjunction with professional counseling (This is key. It’s not a lifelong solution) I’ve actually been making significant progress.
    I will come off cannabis after working through my baggage one goal at a time. It might take years but in my opinion it’s no different than using antidepressants for the same purpose. I’ve just found, and everybody is different, that I get less negative effects and more positive ones with cannabis.

  4. To users who have never experienced negative effects it may seem none existent, but some things to understand is we all smoke different cannabis and just because something is new or “less of a mess” doesn’t mean it’s better for you. This is actually very informational, even for paid programming.

  5. Never been tested ? The uk medical association have conducted several tests and its 92% safer than smoking. Its not 100% compared to pure natural air… propylene glycol is safe. Vegetable glycerin is safe , the only things that could be bad is the flavouring but they are tested and safe. Stupid fools

  6. In South Africa in my garden we've got over 30 bushes of weed and that's normal, and my friend who lives on a farm has about 4 times more than that

  7. Ah, so I'm OK to dry vape, it's pesticides that are the issue! Take it you'll be lobbying hard to prevent them spraying it on everything else I ingest then? I dry vape because it's as portable and convenient as a joint, but more economical and, since it's illegal here, the discretion is appreciated, could just be puffing my e-cig. Clearly inhaling toxins of any kind into your lungs is bad though and should be limited, that is why you will no doubt also be campaigning to ban cars and hike taxes to speed the development of renewables too? Because I think that the fetid city air is doing more harm than vaping some dry herb. Besides I inhale more acrid fumes when I'm cooking my dinner than I do during a vape session, I mean the aromatics being released from all those lovely meats, oils, veggies, etc can't be better, and like the stuff left after vaping, I eat that, the benefits of cooking outweigh the negatives, it is an improvement upon eating raw food, killing pathogens and making it easier to digest, much as vaping is an improvement upon smoking because it is safer and more efficient, and upon eating because it is easier to titrate and requires less commitment.

  8. Ive vaped thc for the last 2 weeks trying to stop drinking alcohol as iv been drinking excessively since the start of lock down 1.0. I felt worse after 2 weeks. Tired, lethargic, nausea, irregular stool and looking drained in the face with black eyes.

    Nice and ralaxed ect but
    I don't recommend vapes

  9. I used the pen one day and my throat hurts. It feels like I forever ruined my throat. Now…I am looking this up on YouTube to see if I'm screwed up for life.

  10. I'm not sure what she's talking about. I'm in California and all the Vape carts I buy have lab test results on the back of the box

  11. Don’t buy vaping cartridges from gas stations. Those cartridges are filled with the same chemicals in actual cigarettes. Buy ones that have vegetable glycerin. It’s 5 times safer than the ones in gas stations

  12. There are plenty of carts that have no additives. These people are full of shit. I bet they all drink themselves silly regularly and not once worry about the toxicity of alcohol. Now THAT’S and actual poison.

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