Kentucky lawmaker speaks on sports betting, medical marijuana bills

Senate Republican Floor Leader Damon Thayer said it will be an uphill battle to legalize sports betting, and they don’t have the …

1 Comment

  1. Who is behind the anti weed lobby – this question should be addressed – who would be a competitor ? Whiskey makers – that's who –
    How come no one in Frankfort and or no one in the media ever talkes about why was this substance was deemed to be so harmful it needed to be outlawed ? I despise people who accuse others of being racist without merit – nothing pisses me off more when people holler race instead of taking personal responsibility – and the reason is because it diverts attn to issues that are tied to racism – case in point : Anti weed legislation – A racist propaganda campaign financed primarily by William Randolph Hearst ,and underwritten by DuPont chemical co was used to garner public support – watch Reefer Madness – people actually believed this to be non fiction – and this movie was presented fo be non fiction –
    Okay y'all – I've already done 1/2 your job for ya – go out there and ask these questions and expose the lobbies and expose the politicians who accept their "favors" it's not hard to figure out

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