Medical Marijuana Delivered Directly To Customers From California Start-ups | NBC News

As California’s medical marijuana industry has grown to an $800 million dollar business, one company is hoping to take …


  1. What Anna says is not true at all. Everyone thinks it is an illegal drug and is against it. Not many believe it is medical yet and its a great time to influence the world to get off pills and towards natural healing.

  2. Hey guys I'm referring you to most reliable and trustworthy plug I have ever known, please feel free to contact him on snapchat: benjaminweed420
    text/WhatsApp: +17072788299

  3. What a foreshadow, because of COVID almost all doctor appointments are made through Zoom now, and when Eaze was doing doctor visit on the phone I thought this would never catch on

  4. So much has changed since this was put out. With more research being done and more and more finding Marijuana to help with, depression, anxiety, seizures, eating disorders, pain relief, and even more, I hope to see it legal in every state and available for all uses. has saved my life more than once. offering delivery.

  5. Sky Segal – $1000 suit, well-groomed eyebrows, trimmed beard, expensive shades. And yet still comes across like a dealer.

  6. I'm a veteran that served as a Corpsman in the Marine Corps. With a service related back injury from carrying Marines. Now i sit here just today. I have about 3 episodes of excruciating back pain a month in which i can not walk of function for 2 or 3 days . The VA has even stopped giving opiod pain meds and wants to give Tylenol with codeine. Hardly helps. When i did smoke weed in the past it worked better. Now i live in pain. Hoping one day Texas will legalize it. Or drop the requirements to get medicinal card. Shame that people have to have terminal cancr here in Texas to be able to get it. Meanwhile our only solutuion is damaging pills. I served my country and risked my life to Protect Marines. And i cant CHOOSE to have Marijuana ??? The only thing that rivals my pain right now is the anger at not allowing me to use. This is an ABSOLUTE DISPICABLE TRAVESTY!!!

  7. To this day we have people in jail for possession of weed or trying to sell weed. But those people are of a certain demographic that are in jail

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