Meet Delaware Teen Who Takes Cannabis Oil to Stop Tumors

Rylie Maedler, 13, takes cannabis oil once in the morning, during lunch, at dinner and before bed. The Delaware teen has been …


  1. This is a strange subject for me because I'm a person in 12 step sobriety for Alcoholism and drug addiction, n was in fact a pot head and crack head. I am approaching 17 years of sobriety n I just saw the film CBD Nation in which this little girl Rylie is in n I feel very strongly that we must legalize this medicine in all US states. A few months ago I started seeing the bennefits of hemp seed milk, that you make at home by blending up a table spoon of crushed hemp seeds with one cup purified water. It's like a miracle health drink, tastes good n has about zero % THC ! Knowing there was almost zero THC or any other narcotic type drug i tried the hemp milk. I now have about a small cup a week N in time I'll likely have more than that. I am now educating myself on CBD oils etc. Amazing but feels odd being sober n encouraging people to treat their ills with Canabis lol

  2. my mother has throat cancer and im having to find this stuff on the streets cause all other medications kill her appetite and im trying to keep stomach tube out of her cause that is not good

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