Minnesota House passes bill that would legalize recreational cannabis for adults

In a 72-61 vote, the bill passed the House Thursday night. GOP leadership in the Senate has said that the legislation is not a …


  1. Typical bs from government we are a high taxed state legalize it and put that money to our schools and our emergency responders departments hospitals homeless shelters and lower our taxes states have proved its rewards they want us broke that's a clear fact all over the us

  2. Minnesota need stop whining bout $$, Washington state makes 32 MILLION a month. Slowing street drugs, crime etc.. but 2 story liquor stores is acceptable! Wtf, drunks is ok. Pathetic

  3. Wow if MN don't recreationalize marijuana, they need stop whining bout money, no I don't partake, but come from Washington state, 32 million they make a month. Less on streets, helps millions with health issues 25+ yrs. But they are a bunch of alcoholics WOW Hypocrites 😳🙄🤔

  4. Republican stayed away from it because I didn’t want to be voted in on something as silly as that and then all of a sudden they aren’t taking it seriously anymore on more important matters. Democrats don’t care get in any way you can because they’re going to cheat things and rip off the public Democrats do that trick you and Rob you

  5. Yes so this is where I should be suing the government because I was arrested for marijuana multiple times targeted in Saint Paul. Being arrested for smoking marijuana costs a lot of money and back in the 70s and 80s it was hard to get past giant fines like that I’m still suffering I think from being arrested almost 28 times so I’m stupid leave me alone

  6. Cannabis has never been the problem, police have …
    Police remain the nations #1 problem and consistent foe against communities and its good peaceful citizens!

  7. Unintentionally consequences?? What a jackass. I thought we lived in a free country. Just not a free state? What a joke. With the millions of tax dollars guaranteed, not a maybe like numb nutts comments at the end there but for sure we would have a boat load of extra tax money for an endless number of things that our state needs and we havent passed this already is just baffling to me and I really don’t get wants going on with the people we put in charge to govern us. We the people have spoken. Figure it out senate republicans for f***s sake.

  8. They should at least expand the medical Marijuana program in MN. It's to restrictive, to expensive, and doesn't really do much for the medical patients because its so restrictive.

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