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Pause Pain & Wellness Medical Marijuana Card Doctor Quote
On July 1, Pause Pain & Wellness opened the doors to a new Jackson medical marijuana card clinic.
— Dr. Kirk L. Kinard, D.O.
JACKSON, MS, UNITED STATES, July 23, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — On July 1, Pause Pain & Wellness opened the doors to a new Jackson medical marijuana card clinic. The clinic will be overseen by Dr. Lori Marshall, MD. Dr. Marshall is a Pain Medicine specialist with over 17 years of medical experience. A Mississippi native, she graduated from the University of Mississippi School of Medicine and completed her Pain Medicine fellowship and Anesthesia residency there in 2010. Dr. Marshall is affiliated with Merit Health and Baptist Medical Center. Healthcare providers at the clinic are currently evaluating local residents for entry into the Mississippi Medical Marijuana Use Registry.
“I look forward to seeing our patients and members of the community. We appreciate the opportunity to educate them about cannabis medicine,” says Dr. Marshall. “We recognize that this moment has been a long time coming for the people of Mississippi. Many of our fellow residents have suffered from chronic pain and illness for a long time, and I’m glad we can finally offer an alternative that may provide them with relief.”
“I’m pleased to be able to make obtaining a medical marijuana card convenient for residents of Jackson,” says Dr. Kirk L. Kinard, D.O. President, Pause Pain & Wellness Medical Cannabis Clinics.
The clinic is located at 514 E Woodrow Wilson Ave., Suite F-2, Jackson, MS 39216. Appointments are already booking up quickly so prospective patients are encouraged to visit pausethepain.com or to call 833-940-5060 to book.
Pause Pain & Wellness exists to provide focused and compassionate care to patients throughout the state of Mississippi using an evidence-based application of medical cannabis research. As the only clinic with statewide locations, Pause Pain & Wellness goes above and beyond to keep patients in compliance with Mississippi law so they can keep their cards for as long as they need them.
Robert Gammons
Pause Pain & Wellness
+1 833-940-5060
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