Sha'Carri Richardson has a painful disappointment

I wanted to talk about the career of Sha’Carri Richardson from three perspectives: From a black perspective, from a track …


  1. Help.her. It's mental. It's INSECURITY. She has a physical coach I'm sure. She needs a mental coach to help her to the consistent WIN. Mrs. Watson, her help perhaps.

  2. It's obvious something is. Wrong with Sha it's a mental thing, it's sure as anything it's not her ability to be a top sprinter, this goes far beyond what her current trainer Dennis Mitchell is able to solve,as I've stated else where , she is putting too much on her plate,like trying to entertain her fans at the expense of training and focusing on what is required to be successful,the question is what is contributing to her debacle, we can all speculate ,what we can't say this time around is it's because of the passing of her mom,that's all in the rear,aforementioned Dennis Mitchell is lost as a ball in high weeds on how to get to the bottom of her demise, it's obvious there is major psychological problems which i believe is from her own doing , one she's thinking too much, and it's sure as hell not about running,her team should try to persuade her to shut it down until a psychological evaluation is done to pinpoint the problem.

  3. Doc W… you do the samething, you monitor your word so you dont get band and you also brag alot .. You do have the money to back it I guess. But you hate alot as well. You also give great advice… bottom line… we are all human and to be human is to error….
    (See how I just used your passive-aggressive skills) you taught me that, thanks!

  4. Doc do you think the weed was used as a masking agent to cover up illegal PED‘s? Because since that drug test she failed. She hasn’t been clocked running nowhere near the same time.

  5. The true irony about phds is it not the drug but the relentless mind set. And you know dr you can be siked out and loose you confidence in your self also. And as my father used to say don't tear your ass.

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