Texas House OKs medical cannabis expansion bill | KVUE

Several marijuana-related bills are making moves at the Texas state Capitol. One could make it easier for Texans with cancer to …


  1. I know CPS management in Texas treated marijuana use by a parent as a capitol offense and would harass parents and try to remove children just on its use no other factors.

    I know I worked there as investigator for 26 years and hundreds of man hours and money wasted on a very very minor issue.

  2. I'm eligible for the Texas so called compassionate care cannabis. It's worse than worthless is is actually being run by Texas law enforcement. The DPS is the "compassionate organization" who keeps a list of anyone who needs this help. I'm a life long Republican who is willing to vote, on a state level, for Democrats to stop the evil of this horrible law. Dan Patrick is against legalization because small town sheriff's departments make money robbing people along Texas roadways.

  3. $250.00 is steep for medical marijuana that's not effective due to the low THC content that's ineffective to assist with particular medical problems.

  4. Well I'm a army veteran with ptsd and chronic pain and etc.i don't see the va system ever offering this for u .they make more mo ney stuffing poison done our throats .(in pill form)smdh

  5. Oh goodness let’s hope. I need my medicine. I live in Arizona but I am on probation out of Texas. I cannot use my medicine here even tho I have my card because Texas has jurisdiction over me 😒
    I am suffering tremendously with pain and ptsd

  6. Control of human beings, throwing them in cages for using plants out of the ground. INHUMANE crime against humanity. Get off your moral high ground, regulate and tax it. Stop this madness of prohibition.

  7. Texas vets and chronic pain patients deserves and need this Dan Patrick is depriving the community from legitimate effective medicine
    And it should be a crime that he’s doing so

  8. If Patrick gets ahold of it,
    It be lost at the last minute as last time.
    Untill they are removed I have no faith in Texas politions,
    And remain still a Texas medical marijuana refugee in Oklahoma…

  9. This bill okays super weak cannabis. I've got epilepsy, I can't get it in Texas now because of the type of epilepsy I have…it doesn't stop seizures but it helps treat the extremely painful after effects. What they are trying to pass, won't help a stubbed toe. Just fully legalize it already! We don't need casinos stealing from poor people creating gambling addicts to create a false economy, we need things that actually help and are proven!

  10. The only way cannabis reform comes to Texas is to vote Dan Patrick Lt Governor and Gregg Abbott Governor out of office. They are in the hip pocket of the sheriff's association. Small country sheriffs enrich themselves with policing for profit. As a life long pro-life Republican I plan to for the first time vote against both Dan Partick and Gregg Abbott. They are turning a blind eye to police corruption throughout Texas. Now the every one has a camera in their hands the videos of police corruption and brutality is going to be front and center. It's only a matter of time before Texans send Patrick and Abbott packing. If you're pro-life you have to be appalled at what these men permit officers to get away with against anyone who's unfortunate enough to cross their paths. Our war on drugs has turned many police officers into little less than land pirates.

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