THC in Chronic Abdominal Pain

Drs. Harry van Goor and Marjan de Vries discuss their manuscript “Tetrahydrocannabinol Does Not Reduce Pain in Patients With …


  1. I am suffering from stomach pain from last 11 year …. Good thing I have no family interaction now my best brother abuse me kick me and leave me and don't have any single female friends…. People make my fun of being skinny ….. Still believe that one day it will be cured before my death ❣️✌️

  2. I got ulcers in 2018. Got rid of them naturally, but lately they came back, coffee ☕ poor diet?? Have being smoking weed 15 years or more, now when I smoke weed I just get bad abdominal pain 🥺 bad times … Any1 any info??

  3. I mean to conclude that thc is not effective for abdominal pain based on 8mg tablets seems like a ballsy claim. If you were using a low dosage and the results mirrored a placebo effect than I think it stands to reason that the dosage you were using was too small of a dose to create an adverse effect if you were using a higher dose then you probably would’ve seen a difference in the results, but to conclude ultimately that it has no effect on abdominal pain signals is kind of a wide claim to make without testing different dosages and how they are applied to a persons life. You are also not considering the many other cannabinoids that are in the flower itself…smoking weed in the experiences of many does have a profound impact in lowering stomach pain. This can be attributed to different cannabinoids working together not just thc which is only present, on average, in percentages of 15-25 percent in a flower.

  4. IS that smoked or eaten. If eaten it contains alot more compounds. Maybe you should do a study on that too. Its an old ancient recipe for the stomach!

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