Ok HI!!! This is probably my most requested video about a PAIN UPDATE!!!!! And what I’m using on the daily. IM NOT …


  1. I take straight pomegranate juice (8oz/day) for inflammation and it helps so much! I have psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis, joint pain and stiffness, celiac (this even helps when I’ve been glutened, it won’t take everything away, but it’s more bearable), and POTS/fatigue. Wishing you all energy and pain free days!

  2. My topical CBD and THC are the most amazing for my pain. I use Buddha Bliss CBD Balm.

    I have a massaging, weighted heating pad with three level of massage and heat. Also, my partner got us an adjustable bed and that also has bee a HUGE help for my lower back. I use the feet movement more than the head. The bed also has massage on the legs and head and you can change the setting six ways from Sunday!
    I do have a handheld massager as well! It's heavy for me but I do ask my partner to use it on me when I can't get to the spot! The Climbers cane had been on my list for forever!

    I use medicinal cannabis as well as CBD and I find using them together helps immensely, Especially when I'm trying to sleep with my chronic pain.
    I've just started on my severe facial and ear and jaw pain journey (along with migraine for 23 years and I'm only 29…), And I saw the video where you went with another person to help your TN to try to cure it. My aunt has TN and we're looking into whether or not that's something I could be suffering from.

    Very scary but I'm so glad you shared all of these! I am gonna look into that head heating pad. I have ice packs that Velcro on and a Koldtec Halo and that is AMAZING – but the ice can he a hassle.

    Stay strong and wishing everyone has less pain.


  3. For 29 1/2 yrs I've suffered from Trigeminal Neuralgia, TMJ, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, diabetes, among a few others. For me, nothing works. I'm also allergic to EVERYTHING. Yes, even CBD/ Mary Jane. I'm happy to hear you have a few remedies. 💖 My pain is 24/7/365. It is what it is. Saw you on Zach's pain video. I laughed when you talked about the comments. I've told doctors that if I was told to lick a frog and howl at the moon, I'd try it. Yup. Been there, tried it all. 💖

  4. Tiger Balm and Lidocaine help when I get a really bad crick in my neck. (I've had them last for months before 😵‍💫)

    Cupping reeeaaallyyy helped with my chronic back spasms. After weekly visits for cupping for 3 months I haven't had constant spasms for a couple years since!

    Orthotics and tensing have helped my tmj/tmd pretty good (at least, my jaw is not popping anymore)

    I have a hip discrepancy and that has just thrown everything off. Sometimes physical therapists can shift it back into place but that doesn't last long. I use a pilates ring and foam roller, as well as PT bands for my exercises, but it feels like nothing can keep it in place. Sometimes it hurts so bad I cant put weight on it until I pop it. I know it's not a leg length discrepancy. And I'm certainly not overweight.

    Any suggestions/comments/recommendations from other people with hip pain?

  5. Kelsey, I love the spikey mat for my chronic pain, but if I may recommend something, try the brand pranamat, they make them from coconut and linen and it's a whole lot better feeling than those foam ones!

  6. This is by far the best pain relieving gel that I have found: Absorbine Veterinary Liniment Gel (it is safe for humans). Also, using multiple acupuncture pillows against your back while sitting in a desk chair is highly recommended if you are experiencing back pain.

  7. Just stumbled across your video because tmjd & trigeminal neuralgia. Nasal Afrin spray, peppermint oil, icy hot, heating pad, ice packs, prescription medicines, monthly chiropractic visits, messages, physical therapy, braces, & currently considering dry needling.

  8. I’m new-ish (year and a half) to having chronic pain problem. I have dozens of vertebral injuries on my neck and back from an old car accident (I’m 32) and not feeling alone is most important to me. I know you all know but WHY DO WE HAVE TO TELL DOCTORS HOW TO DO THEIR JOB?!? I hope you guys all have a wonderful happy healthy life with as little pain as possible!

  9. I was recently diagnosed with TN and TMJ. I also have fibromyalgia and chronic migraines. Using MJ has helped me tremendously but my hearing pad, salonpas patches, muscle rub (icy hot), and massage are the best therapies I've found.

  10. As someone who deals with chronic back pain I've invested in a sit stand desk for prevention and I've invested in an inversion table. The inversion table works about 75% of the time and it hurts like the devil 25% of the time. If you use it enough you gain an understanding of when it won't help.

  11. I have chronic migraines and was recently told by my neurologist that I have tried all medications for migraines with no success. The next step would be Botox but it’s very expensive. I know if other videos you had headaches and maybe migraines and had Botox, did you ever notice Botox helping your headaches/migraines?

  12. Lovely video! New subscriber. I added some of the products mentioned to my Amazon cart. I’m really looking forward to the hand massage ball thing. Like you mentioned, it’s easier on hubby to give you a massage. And easier on yourself, too. The last thing I need when one thing is hurting is to make another hurt helping the 1st thing haha.

  13. DoTerra & Young Living have clove oils that you can use in your mouth/ingest…just an FYI. Have you used a biowave device & if so, your results? My Dr just prescribed one for my neck pain & I should be getting in about a week. I got TJR 9 mo ago which helped a lot with my jaw pain but the years of disfunction hasn't been good for my neck.

  14. chronic pain honestly screws up the “pain scale” that people use. i broke a joint in my toe and i rated it a 4/10 in terms of pain, so i kept overusing it and it got worse to where i had to wear a boot and brace. my pain tolerance is really high because of my chronic pain and i haven’t tried any of these yet- i typically just deal but i might change that

  15. i have chronic pain brought on by what i think is an autoimmune condition i was diagnosed with in my late 20s. i used to do a lot of heavy lifting and bending in my previous jobs which wasn't much help at all. I actually got fired from my last job at a hotel because of my chronic pain.

  16. Antidepressants can also help with pain. Just a suggestion to those who have tried everything. I noticed a significant decrease in pain after taking Antidepressants. Everyone is different and reacts differently. Great video and suggestions. 🥰❤

  17. I can't find the neck block thing is there another name for it?
    Omg these videos are so triggering 😂 every time I see something I know won't work for fibromyalgia I just want to throw my phone just like:
    YEET!!!! I TRIED OK?! 😩
    I went out I looked I listened but now fuck everything and I'm done.

  18. What was your experience with the UCLA pain clinic?
    I am debating going to the Mayo chronic pain rehab center, but the program is 17 days and I’m terrified of such a rigorous schedule with the program.

    I may also still be searing for a diagnosis
    I thought I had chronic migraines for years but I’m beginning to see that my symptoms more align with POTS!

    Thanks for sharing chronic pain products and just your life generally!

  19. Cinnamini burn sensation!!! Your too funny! Just saw your channel, LOVE it!! I have TMJ, Migraines, Upper back pain, Endometriosis, Menopause. It's so fun being a girl!!!! Tried many of the same things. Love the pokey mat! And the massager gun looking thing. Another thing that has worked for me is from my Chiropractor, Dr. Adam Fields. He does a Cranial. Sounds crazy but, he adjusts me from inside my nose with a balloon. Totally helps migraine. Check it out.

  20. Idk if I’m having chronic pain or what put I’m a student (one who doesn’t like to procrastinate) and I sit down OFTEN for long periods of time to do schoolwork and every now and then I get this really bad pain in my upper back, neck and shoulder primarily. I know it’s because of the way I sit AND STRESS but my chairs aren’t comfortable and my pillows are just not enough when I want to sit on the bed :((

    Hopefully one of these products help. I’ve been doing yoga tho and that temporarily helps too. I know I need to stop my bad habits but I honestly don’t know where to start…

  21. Going to a new neurologist tomorrow because my migraines still haven't gotten better, and now I'm having jaw pain pretty regularly with them. I immediately looked you up!!!

  22. I recently got a very cheap massage gun to try it out. It helps a lot. Too bad they’re heavy though so I’m not sure I’d upgrade to a more expensive/better one with more options
    That little rollerball (don’t know the name) is great to work in some creams as well

  23. Hey thanks for the video, very helpful! For those in states where THC isn't legal but Delta 8 is, I've gotten some pretty good results with that. Not 100% effective, but has helped overall tremendously. TN 1 and Tn 2 suck, feel better y'all!

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