The Latest News From Bali & Indonesia / July 1 2022/Vice President In Favor of Medical Marijuana

The Latest News From Bali & Indonesia / July 1 2022/Vice President In Favor of Medical Marijuana The number of new Covid …


  1. Beach clubs appeal to a younger demographic of guests & celebrities wanting a party loving atmosphere! Ideal place to see and be seen & listen to music in a luxury atmosphere.😎

  2. First, a very Happy Birthday to you! But back to energy – a 17-36% rise?! Jeez, Louise…I would have thought wind and solar farms would be an interesting solution for Bali, not coal. That sounds like an opportunity waiting.

    The more I watch, the more questions I have. You mentioned in a previous video meeting up with a viewer… could I talk you and your lovely wife into dinner one night when my Indo wife and I are there next month?

  3. Thanks Bruce! Lovely view of the mountains. And very exciting about VP Ma'ruf's statement! I totally get what you've been saying about how this may still be a long ways off, but could be so helpful to patients and farmers when/if it ever happens. (And it is funny to think of morphine as better for a child, or anyone!) When hearing about the bar owner I thought of the elderly ladies in Lombok who were arrested for playing cards — his case does seem rather more egregious. Have a great weekend!

  4. Hi Bruce. Will we see 420 friendly beach clubs hotels in Bali for traveling cannabis fans? Times have changed & find it interesting Indonesia's discussion on medical marijuana after Santi Warsuti's plea. Pot has always been in use for recreation, HIV/AIDS/CANCER patients. What i don't like is doctors pushing cannabis products(especially salves/ointments) in which they have an investment in, as they are not covered by insurance & are expensive. I prefer acupuncture/massage/tiger balm for chronic pain but understand use among people facing difficult medical conditions. 🐒

  5. Thanks for todays info. When I went to the Nursing education in 1980, we had a lesson on Drugs. It was the Narcotics Police who, among other things, showed how Cannabis sativa leaves looked like. I sat at the front and suddenly realized
    that the silver earrings I was wearing were Cannabis leaves. I put my hand to my earlobes and carefully took them off. I did not want the Police to think I was for Cannabis. I belong to those who "get crazy with no limits" on Morphine which was used as Premed when I had Surgery for my Appendix in the 70's. I was employed in the Operations Department and everyone knew me. I shouted rudeness to the staff before and after surgery. So I would not dare to take any drugs. 🤔🙄

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