The Safe and Not-So-Safe Ways of Using Cannabis

Cannabis expert Dr. Sherry Yafai shares the best method of cannabis delivery for her patients. She shares she prescribes an …


  1. How do doctors act like they know what theyā€™re talking about they may to a certain point you may even know more than me but they themselves are probably never smoke marijuana unless you have thereā€™s only so much observing can do

  2. Take 6 hits and wait 4 hours, judicious use of cannabis is what nature intended, anymore than 6 hits anything longer than a 4 hour round trip is too much

  3. Itā€™s irresponsible to say cannabis has no negative effects, but I hate how stigmatized it is in regards to mental health treatment. I have very severe anxiety that was treatment resistant. Before I found cannabis I wasnā€™t functioning period even with therapy and actual psych meds.
    After using cannabis in conjunction with professional counseling (This is key. Itā€™s not a lifelong solution) Iā€™ve actually been making significant progress.
    I will come off cannabis after working through my baggage one goal at a time. It might take years but in my opinion itā€™s no different than using antidepressants for the same purpose. Iā€™ve just found, and everybody is different, that I get less negative effects and more positive ones with cannabis.

  4. requiring medical education to sell weed? what about for liquor stores? those actually cause deaths. this is just a bullshit excuse to get dispensaries in the hand of big pharma. she was paid to come on here.

  5. People are not realizing that yes weed is legal but thereā€™s 2 different forms. Thereā€™s recreational and medicinal. Now for medicinal dispensaries I can understand asking that budtenders have medical training. Recreational tho no thatā€™s for people who enjoy to smoke weed

  6. When you go down to the pharmacy not everyone is a pharmacist so donā€™t require everyone to be one and let people be able to work and realize that cannabis comes with side effects that people want šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

  7. Somebody please remind the doctor that you canā€™t ā€œoverdoseā€ on weed and she needs to change her terminology. Also they need to realize it isnā€™t the THC thatā€™s toxic, people buy illegal, black market vape carts that get made with god knows what in someoneā€™s basement. This is just misleading and slamming the medical marijuana industry.

  8. He said it can KILL you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve watched thousands of people smoke a baseball sized ball of wax and got high beyond returnā€¦ā€¦and still returnedā€¦ā€¦

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