1. in the 1980s ADHD was not really know about, all I had was Cannabis and it did help. Now i am in my 50s and have been on ADHD meds for 6 months, Cannabis now has a different effect it makes me really stoned. Before it just took the edge off my Anxiety, I was prescribed Anti depressants for years but they did not really help, ADHD meds have turned my life around.

  2. I am definitely one of these people. One problem I’ve had is that it has become addictive and certainly because it is mixed with nicotine.

    I’ve been telling myself I’d quit for years and I’ve stopped vaping and cigarettes but when you combine marijuana and nicotine and ADHD its very hard to let go.

    The best I’ve done was 6 months in a new environment clean, my mind felt very clear and I was more productive and motivated before i started meeting the wrong people and making wrong choices again.

    I think that ADHD plays a huge role involving the choices I make also the apple did NOT fall far from the tree when it comes to struggling with addiction. But one thing is for sure, that there is a very significant change in the brain when one stops consuming all this shit.

  3. I’m someone with adhd who is quitting weed right now. The benefits I experienced were the same as people mentioned in the studies. However after i started using weed as a way out to deal with my problems they got worse. I got introvert, started a lot of overthinking when i didn’t smoke. Which was the cause for me smoking again. Finally broke the circle and i’m feeling great now. If anyone is reading this and wants to quit or start smoking. Weed and adhd go well together if you can keep controll over it. Do it every now and then but don’t make a habit of it!

  4. its easier to study and do exams when you are high if u have adhd it slows down your mind from being jumping all over the place but you need to also be able to control your anxiety ….it varies from person to person

  5. I stopped smoking it after 10 years at 25 because it fcks completely my short term memory and my motivation. It also made me a little conformist

  6. I am an illigal marihuana user and waiting for my adhd diagnosis but til now it has helped me in a spesific way. It feels like my brain is a ferrari with bike breaks and what marihuana does, it upgrades my breaks. But my anxiety got worse and my memory. One thing is for sure, i need propper treatment and medication. And i feel like its like that for many.

  7. When I smoke it a feel like it slows my brain down and helps with the impulsiveness but at a cost makes me feel so drained and unmotivated to do anything

  8. So the research is unclear. That's very frustrating.

    My experience with cannabis and ADHD would endorse the following points made in this video:

    – It probably has an alleviating effect on anxiety

    – It probably provides a similar lift in dopamine to stimulants to allow us to do some menial, unrewarding tasks. (Though, in my experience, only in the smallest, tiniest quantity)

    – It might bring on anhedonia, so we might be avoiding our problems instead of being motivated to resolve them.

    Clearly, using it medically is not backed by science yet. It may or may not be, in the future. So …

    I wonder if it might be okay to use cannabis (while waiting for conclusive research) in a limited way – purely recreationally. For example, at the end of a week once to have a relaxing Sunday – or something on this order.

  9. I buy some Delta 8 THC I had done Marijuana in the past twice a few years ago and I didn't like the high effect. But went into a CBD shop they told me to try delta8 thc is legal and it more mellow than marijuana but in the right dose lol. I try it yesterday and for the first time in years I fall asleep easily at night , had the best sleep ever and woke up feeling amazing, I enjoy the simple things in life also I have very high ADD and take no medications, for the first time I found myself taking care of the errands I used to procastinate or believed I hate it such as putting everything in the right place lol I cleaned all my place and I been in a amazing mood I also think it helped balancing my hormones. Is only 1 day but the effects were just LIFE CHANGING !!! I am so happy If this is how normal people feel I can't believe how was it possible to live with ADD, I hope this last forever I will continue to use this in the smallest dose since I am aware of the high effects and that's not in my interest but in the right dose this is amazing. Also I am a science and medical nerd I have read for years everything rela to health, meditation, supplements, etc.. I live a very healthy lifestyle and Have spend thousands of dollars during the past years buying supplements, vitamins , peptides etc! And I can say this is a must keep. I never had such great effects with anything else. I think for now on, a multivitamin, some omegas and delta8 THC will be in my daily regimen.! I hope my experience is helpful for someone. (Side note when I said I think it helps hormones is bc in just one day I noticed my cortisol levels dropped, I dropped my body inflammation, and seems to help loosing weight related to stress-hormones).

  10. I think it could be helpful to help feel leveled out but in reality you just don't think straight. Forget where you put stuff you just had and whatnot. Not to mention weed just gives you a "Idgaf" sorta mindset which can be helpful at times but if I'm being 100% honest it probably does more harm than good.. unfortunately

  11. Need more research…people are suffering while waiting for research. What is a good alternative? If there is something people wouldn’t use marijuana to relieve their adhd anxiety.

  12. I've had many friends who use marijuana regularly they all had strong work ethic but all of them also had significant anxiety issues and very often had heart palpitations. We need more research on this.

  13. I think asking more and more users will help. Different strains impact people differently. I can actually focus more and I have better idea in the evening when I work with my art when meds stop working.

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