A Michelin Level Infused Dinner | Bong Appétit

Abdullah learns how to make weed wine and invites chef Marcel Vigneron to prepare cannabutter-basted beef cheek, …


  1. You can tell the chefs aren't potheads as it looks like the food tastes good(from their reactions) and hasn't been ruined with that god awful vomit-inducing weed taste that a pothead would lie and claim to enjoy

  2. Great show. That magic pantry makes you the envy of every pot enthusiasts. Little Mrs. Vanessa has caught my eye. What a perfect mate she would make. Educated, professional, business owner, with a likable attitude and character, perfect smile and cute as can be. I bet she drives a Honda. lol……..Damn, I just noticed the ring. "Honey, id got you diamonds".

  3. When he said he was looking for a special wine, my brain immediately said "weed wine," and sure enough…. LMFAOOO
    holy shit Abdullah is the biggest pot head on the internet this dude rules so hard lmao

  4. I'm so excited💃. I finally got rid of my Herpes Virus 1&2 within just three weeks. Thank you 🙏🙏 Dr Alaho Olu on YouTube. He also cures HPV, FIBROID, HIV and COLDSORES….

  5. Something infuriating about these white hipster chefs cooking with mass wholesale amounts of cannabis out in the open free from repurcussiona meanwhile the shitload of poc still serving time in prison and their lives wasted away for a plant 🪴.

  6. Man I wish I lived in LA and could have access to this food that would be so healing and natural. Good to see Marcel is still doing well and calmed the ego down! I was expecting him to bring out the foam but i would settled for meringues! ❤️💚♐️🌏

  7. It's just sickening how on one hand we've got this whole industry, from bro-scientists and pretentious posh weed connoisseurs all the way to actual geniuses and michelin chefs, while on the other hand at the same time there are people being locked up for years because of the exact same thing.

    Take that "ingredient shelf" in this video for example, having that in your house will get you in prison for soo many years and in a couple of places there's actually a chance for the death penalty.

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