Alabamians are Torn on Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

Our News 19, The Hill, Emerson College poll finds Alabamians are fairly split when it comes to legalizing recreational marijuana.


  1. We've got people rotting in prisons for a single joint, meanwhile we have billionaires raking in cash from this industry. Make it make sense.

  2. Since when does something need to be “harmless” to be legal?
    There’s so many legal substances that are much more harmful to one’s health than cannabis. The government does not have the right to tell anyone what they can and can’t put in their bodies. If you do not want to consume Cannabis, then don’t. Don’t tread on someone else’s right to make that decision for themselves.

  3. Cannabis is beneficial not harmful. Western medicine and eastern medicine/cannabis go hand and hand. Do your history before you make false allegations.

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