ASMR Game Store Roleplay (Sega) l Soft Spoken, Personal Attention

If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe! ♡ Welcome back to the game store! Today’s video game store roleplay features Sega …


  1. I actually had the Sega Channel back in the day was the best having access to alot of the games. The ad’s were the best when the guy would yell SEGA !!! At the end.

  2. I miss Crazy Taxi so much! I'll never forget my friend and I playing that after school. "Hey hey hey! It's time to make some CRAAAAAZZYYYY MONEY! Are you ready!? Here we go!" YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH!

  3. What a great video game shop video.
    I love watching your game related presentations.
    I feel I'm being educated about the must have equipment that a young person has.
    I like your descriptions of the consoles. "Not in perfect condition, but not doing badly, considering it's age. Just in need of being given the once over with the dust buster."
    Why, that phrase has been used to describe me.
    Anyway, a very soothing and instructive video.

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