August Beauty Heroes Box Review | PRIMA Plant Therapeutics, CBD Thoughts, Health Journey Plateau

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  1. Finally, someone called it out! Thank you Mercedes for always being so open. I see a problem with how rampant the supplement industry is here, especially without adequate guidance, my body and state of mind could get screwed up with the wrong supplementation. I was this close to trying CBD to help with stress but I always end up taking a step back and don't want CBD to be my quick fix. If I ever try CBD, I heard the brand Juna is excellent.

  2. as you know i also did a video on this and i was actually happy they listed as melatonin free because it’s not a good supplement for me but i don’t think it’s bad just not good for me. i feel the same about this box. these items should be used for occasional use and anyone who is using everyday needs to see a dr or natural practitioner to see the root cause. it was a good box for me because i have arthritis which the cream is good for, the oil because of the magnesium for sleep and easing pcos symptoms and the supplements for OCCASIONAL sleep issues

  3. Hi Mercedes, I received this boxas well, but have not tried the products yet. I did smell the oil, and it is very mild and earthy. I have not tried any CBD products but would be open to topical. However, I am undecided yet about the ingestibles. From a clinical standpoint, medicine is very complex and there is no one size fits all in terms of therapeutics. There are so many variables to consider such as therapeutic agent, length and frequency of therapy, response to therapy, etc. By the way, I love your eyeliner and your makeup look! 😘

  4. It was good to hear your review. Honestly i was disappointed to get this box solely due to the fact that I’m pregnant. While it says on the products to talk to your doctor about using CBD products while pregnant or nursing, some simple searches online convinced me enough to not use CBD products during pregnancy or probably even during breastfeeding. For my last two kiddos, I nursed for 14 months so this is putting these products out of my reach for at least about 1.5 years. I kind of feel like BH had the knowledge that the pregnant demographic might not use these products, and did it anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️that being said, I wouldn’t use the supplements either pregnant or not as I don’t need or believe ingestible sleep aids similar to how you and your husband feel.
    I know BH says you can share them with a loved one, which I did with my mother, but overall I wasn’t happy with this box experience. Just my two cents. ☺️

  5. I would only test out Prima out of curiosity. But even if it did something, I don't see it as being a sustainable thing to do for a prolonged period of time. I deal with chronic pain/discomfort in my neck from a previous injury, sleep problems, and a lot of stiffness. I can think of a long list of things that help through dietary changes and different practices that wouldn't require CBD or even something like melatonin.

    Adequate hydration, stretching, limiting or eliminating caffeine, therapeutic baths, massages, even cutting out screen light exposure for hours before bed. CBD sounds nice. But…meh? lol I just feel less connected with my own body when it comes to things like that.

  6. Hello Mercedes! I too, suffer from Dequervains and I have found relief taking Mitolife's Dissolve-It-All. I started with 1 capsule a day and now I have moved on to 2 per day.

  7. I think people have categorized cbn/cbd/ and even thc to be a cure all. And they just arent. I dont care for recreational what so ever the skunk smell is nauseating. but when my sleep was down to two one hour “naps” i gave it a go (cbd and cbn only).

    My partner went from a starting dose to needing 4x the amount in just a couple of weeks. Which is not sustainable. Getting more exercise and physical exertion is what was really needed (and no caffeine)
    I on the other hand had night terrors, worse insomnia, internal aches, and extreme spurts of energy after one short sleep cycle. A strict sleep-wake routine is the only thing that actually works. And supplementing with anything has proven to not be great.

  8. Love the body oil as well! Definitely my favorite from the box. The cream I’m using as a carrier for essential oils… it’s not anything groundbreaking. The capsules I did take twice and both nights I did get exceptionally good quality sleep that night… however I am not going to be taking them regularly. Instead I will be saving them for post performance ( after shows I always have such a huge spike in adrenaline from being onstage it can be difficult to wind down. ) the late nights after shows make my sleep quality really poor and it also is the time I need the most sleep to help my body recover. Ill be saving them for that and see if they are effective. For now they are in the back of the cabinet 😄

  9. My sister is recovering from cancer with all of the things — she has tried several cbd products, and says Prima is by far the best she has tried. No headaches, works well — very potent for quelling anxiety and relieving pain.

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