Basic Weight Training + Nutritional Principles to Burn Fat Forever with Sal Di Stefano

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  1. Btw Kris I'm on day 32 of your 8 Week Hardcore workout. I finished your 12 Week I got through it. But your 8 Week omg I feel soooo drained but I'm happy inside and that's what matters the most. Thank you sir.

  2. They don't eat like that over there in Italy. As I walked around I stopped and said wait, there's an abundance of olives, cured meats, fruits, veggies and places that make sandwiches. Then I said well that's why people over here aren't as big as in the US. We have a bunch of greasy, stacked on, overly sweet things and I believe the bestest thing is you can not tell Americans what to do!! It's going to always be a problem here!

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