Can The LEVO 2 Make Tincture? | Small Batch Tincture

In this video, we will experiment with the LEVO 2 to see if it can make tincture or not. I read the Owner’s Manual and it never …


  1. I use tincture now from the medical dispensary for my multiple autoimmune diseases. I just bought a levo about 2 weeks ago and got one bud from the dispensary to try it out. Still unsure if I am going to make some chocolate bars or tincture. My question is why are you using everclear? Does it bind better than some other oils? I have read about using virgin olive oil. Going to have to do something this weekend because my pain levels are through the roof right now for some reason and I can barely get out of bed.

  2. This is the business! Thank you for this video. I got the levo to make cookies, but recently pivoted away to get a "healthier" option. I just finished my first small batch of tincure. I made this THC:CBD combo with the double pods and some Everclear 120. One cup filled about 1/2 a ketchup squirt bottle, which I used to fill the bottle with the eyedropper. Just tried it now in water and there was no aftertaste or anything. Hopefully it's strong enough to knock out that pain. If so, I was able to make about 5 small bottles from the one run which cost me less than $10/bottle to make. Great stuff, again! Thanks, BDK.

  3. Hello from the Colorado Rocky Mountains! First time viewer. Could you please tell us, the potency of the final product? Have you tried other small batches using more or less flower? Anxiously awaiting…as I'm going to try this….and it's totally safe using the Everclear? lol…Guud Lawd….

  4. The website says not to but probably so they won't get sued lol
    Infuses up to 16 oz. of liquid. From oil, butter, or honey to milk and glycerin. Caution: Do not infuse with alcohol.

  5. While I do love my LĒVO for the convenience of not needing to decarb separately and I donā€™t have to do all the straining and ever, I sell edibles and make a lb of butter at a time. My Magical Butter is noisy but it holds so much more. I use my levo for custom orders now that want a higher or lower potency

  6. Iā€™m really glad I ran into this video but I wanted to know if it was potent enough for gummies and if it is ready to go after the infusion or do you think infusion should be longer maybe 6hrs ? Love to get some feedback if possible thanks

  7. Thanks for all these LEVO 2 reviews and for the coupon code. Found it a few weeks ago and just ordered it on discount – both because of your channel šŸ™

  8. I get itā€¦but it does specifically say in the instructions not to use alcohol in it for safety reasons. Vegetable glycerin will work just as effectively.

  9. Iā€™ve never made tincture. Iā€™ve been using my LĒVO to infuse gummies with infused coconut oil, theyā€™ve been fine some separating in the beginning but Iā€™ve figured that out, I want to try tincture for the gummies, Iā€™ve never done tincture im confused on the alcohol part? Does the alcohol burn off during infusion so youā€™re not ā€œ drunkā€ when taking gummies. Clearly I n is a single gummy isnā€™t ā€œ getting you drunkā€ my concern is when you take the gummy are you taking in alcohol as well?

  10. My directions in the one I just got says not recommended by levo bc alcohol is combustible and close to electronic components and could cause fire. I want to do this that's why I'm here lol.

  11. I am so glad I came across your videos. Thank you!!! Canā€™t wait to try this. I do believe I will be using the French press hack along with my recipe. Do you use any terpenes and if you whatā€™s your favorites?

  12. My manual for the L2 says not to use any alchohol. I personally wouldn't use this method to make a tincture, mainly because heat tends to evaporate the alchohol. The alchohol is needed as the solvent to break down the plant matter over time in order to excrete the healing constituents and properties. After which a ratio of distilled water is added to the concentrated tincture to lower the alchohol content. Just things to keep in mind.

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