*cancer* From Bad to Worse!

It’s not always cancer that get’s you down. Life happens!.#Premiumjane #CBDPremiumJane CBD Don’t forget to use the coupon …


  1. Quercetin with Bromelain (Now Foods) is the only thing that has kept me from getting sick & staying sick with cold type viruses on/off for MONTHS at a time!! I am SO thankful! I rarely get sick & when I do it's brief…a night & day difference! Quercetin is a zinc ionophore (helps get zinc in cells like zinc alone can't), antimicrobial some, anti-inflammatory.

  2. Hi Jodi its been awhile. Always good to see you I'm sorry your not feeling well I have to say that even tho your not feeling well you look amazing what's your secret?
    Hope you feel better soon.
    Stay Strong Always Evelyn

  3. I will pray for a fast recovery for you and for your parents I feel for you it is a hard situation for all of you I know you are always trying to see life in a positive way which I admire you for that. So I will be looking forward to seeing you soon.

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