*cancer* SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT! Scan Anxiety, Survivor's Guilt and SELF DOUBT!

A little bit of sunshine visited followed by my total meltdown! Living so long with cancer wears on one’s soul.#Premiumjane …


  1. Jodi you’re an inspiration to so many. You share so much joy in your videos. You have a real glow about you. I hope you benefit from the Vitamin C.

  2. Hello Jodie🌻 I'm new to your channel and I think your so lovely goodness you have so much going on in life I think your Amazing! So you keep being you .♥️ I dont understand how people can be nasty ..love from Australia 🇦🇺🌻🌈🌻

  3. Please dont care ab this mean ppl. They must have a bad life. A lots of ppl Here that love you ❤️❤️❤️. Do whats best for you..hugs and love from me in 🇳🇴Norway

  4. maybe your chanel can be "too cute… not your average cancer chanel"
    or something that highlights thriving and living your best life despite having your diagnosis.
    please try not to let the hate bring you down. when you do the negativity wins. misery always seems to want company. don't be miseries companion.

  5. Just rejoice in the fact that you are not one of those mean and miserable malcontents that goes around maliciously attacking people who are happier than they are. So always say to yourself, '"Let whoever think whatever." You have bigger fish on your plate to worry about those types. You know who you are: a child of God, and that you are loved, by Him and all of us. May God bless you and give you the fortitude to go on with your videos. You remain in my prayers.

  6. Dear Jody,I hate to see you crying cos I get so emotional n I start crying. Glad to see tat ur parents r slowly settling down. Appreciate you n family for making them feel at home by pooling in to buy them furniture etc.Jody you are such a darling , my prayers all there for you to have clean scans n have no pain.Luv u Jody,This is Usha from India.

  7. Jodi, you cannot please everyone! There is always room for improvement no matter who you are. No one is perfect. I enjoy your channel and love your drive to keep going and keep exploring new things. When sharing so much of yourself your bound to have a few flys who love to wallow in crap! I know it is hard to always be positive and smile through the smallest pile of crap. You my friend need to just spray some room freshener and move on! Uplifting and positive you are! God will.hold you up and I will do my part as many others will also. Sending love and hugs to you!
    ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  8. Jodie, regarding the negative comments, keep in mind that nowadays there are bots (not real people) created for this specific purpose. It is sad that YT allows this, but bots on Twitter, YT and, I assume other social media outlets, are responsible for much of the dislikes and negative comments. If you see one on your channel, it is possible that it even isn't a real person. I think they are created to create discord in society and keep our vibrations low. A sense of community is scary to those who control society. Of course bots are also used to support channels spewing propaganda and promote narratives those in power want you to believe. It was even discovered that half of Biden's twitter subscribers are bots. Stay strong!

  9. Dearest Jodi, you really plucked at my heartstrings with this vlog. I just wish I could give you a big ol' hug! Please don't stop YouTubing, and please keep your YouTube name – I love it, it's you, bare bones and all! Try to ignore those meanies out there, sadly they think it's ok to be cruel, while they hide behind their computers like the cowards that they are. You are so loved, just focus on that. ❤

  10. Jodi please excuse the idiots they are all unhappy within their own lives so screw them. People are gonna be who they are but you are amazing and you are helping others. They are doing it because they know it bothers you

  11. You are AMAZING. Love your videos!! So sorry there are mean people. ❤❤ you don’t have meanness in you and can’t understand why someone else can be mean. Thank you for all you do!!! I appreciate you!!

  12. Hi Jodi:) You have been a wonderful friend to all of us, and an inspiration. My mom used to always tell me that no matter how nice you are,some people will look for something wrong with you.I was hospitalized last month with a mini stroke, watched your video and felt like I had a friend right there with me. You inspire so many people and are good and kind. Sending you lots of love, prayers and hugs friend!!!❤️🙏🥰

  13. Please don't let the enemy attack you! You have so much on your shoulders right now. You are special, beautiful and your messages are important! It would be so understanding if you turned off comments sometimes. Hang in there, you are so loved! Life has it's ups and downs and I am glad you are showing both. It's ok to be sad sometimes. I pray the peace of Jesus will pour over you!

  14. Oh Jodi, you and all of us (your viewers) really do need to learn to ignore the trolls. They feed off knowing they get to people. If we don't react to them and their groundless bs, their baseless stupid cruel, accusatory comments and their ridiculously idiotic behaviors they will go away. Giving online trolls the attention and interactions they crave only ensures that they will stick around. Don't feed the trolls is great, sage, advice.
    Glad to hear your mom is a bit better. I hope your scans are clear or better. Even if they are not please try to find some positivity in whatever the news is. You, girrrl are a warrior, you're a survivor, you've proven that! Also you have US to lean on, to vent to, to back you up. You're not alone.

  15. I think you should reach out to Boomstick cosmetics to see if they will sponsor you, send you free products to review, etc..
    I believe you're perfectly suited to both review their products and to represent their products if you like them. Their glowiness and colors seem made for you.

  16. Keep spreading you fight to help others you are a amazing lady your beautiful and you have a beautiful soul love ❤️ light and hugs Jodie from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🇬🇧 U.K. xxxxx🙏🙏🙏🤗

  17. Im so glad you are doing so well. Sending prayers to your parents. I've seen that tofu. No clue what it is and how to fix. i can't wait to see the tofu prep. Trolls lives on cutting down videos. Just delete or ignore them. I like alot of the you tube channels. I've for one never had one. I hope your day gets better.

  18. I am sure its the same people that make these negative comments on a lot off Youtube channels, they must not have a life just keep going I know its hard Xxx♥♥

  19. Hello Jodi I love following your channel and listening to you like a best friend. Delete the nasty people as they do not deserve your time , we care for you and that’s all that matters 😊 with love from Australia 💗💐💗 xxx

  20. Congratulations on 10K so happy for you. Nothing to worry about with the haters. It’s a them problem not a you problem. I think you are a great YouTuber. You share your journey of ups and downs, if people can’t see the grace and compassion then they are blind. God loves you and so do we. You’ve been a bright light and a blessing in my life. Keep your head up and know we got you.

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