CBD and Dementia – Powerful interview about a senior citizen suffering from dementia

SPONSORED BY FRESH FARMS CBD – www.freshfarmscbd.com – featured on Fox, Buzzfeed, TMZ, NBC, Forbes, Bleacher …


  1. It is always heart-breaking! Many people have lost their loved ones to Alzheimer's disease just because they think there is no cure. My husband was diagnosed with multi-factorial Alzheimer's disease. This also triggered epileptic fits.. To be blunt, all the prescription drugs we’ve used did not yield any positive improvement. Lately I have found that Homeocure-Worldwide natural treatment along with adopting a healthy lifestyle has helped him recover completely. There should be no shame. Our health, family, and personal care should always take the topmost position among our priorities. You may look it up for more info: homeocureworldwide.blogspot.com

  2. My family doctors said Herpes virus do not have medical cure because the virus is capable of hiding within the human cells and it remains protected from your immune system but your immune system has the tools to fight back. But because it is able to lay dormant in protected cells, your immune system is unable to remove it from your body. strong reactive herbal medication is capable of getting rid of the virus, without any side effects natural Herbal Remedy help kills the virus totally. Not just reducing the out break. Dr Aloha cures all types of diseases and viruses with the help of his Herbal medicine. You can reach Dr Aloha via his email: Alohaherbalhome@gmail.com & or WhatsApp +1(202)871-3222 once again thank you.

  3. I went to the link, but it doesn't say which is best suited for dementia. My mom is 91, should she be smoking this or is this an oil like in a dropper to swallow? Please explain which one i should be considering for her on the site Fresh Farms.

  4. Folks, listen to our story on Youtube, "Is CBD being suppressed" Listen to what CBD did for my severley handicapped adult children!!!! Cannabis is more than MEDICINE, its a miracle!!! Again to entice you all, my daughter suffers with a dual disability! Her physical disability remains undiagnosed to this day after 39 years!!! My daughter has an undiagnosed, mystery disease & STILL CBD REMOVES ALL OF THE TIGHTNESS OR SPASTICITY FROM HER MUSCLES!! After 39 years my daughter can finally relax!!!! And where her mental anguish is concerned, her is her first comment in less than an hour after her first dose of CBD, "Daddy i feel very calm & at last my racing thoughts have ceased!!!! Cannabis is a Miracle substance!!!!!!!

  5. CBD is incredible, the shit really works and not snake oil…100% sustainable medicine…it's great and you can grow it yourself if it came down to it, and the benefits are extremely rapid. It's also nice to see many more seniors are trying and enjoying the results. The comments are sweet, no trolling necessary.

  6. I just started giving my 92 yo dad (who lives with me) and has dementia cbd oil about 4 days ago. He was always very agitated, combative and anxious especially when it came time to change his diaper. After less than 1 day he is 100 % more relaxed and calm….the aides who come have actually described him as "mellow" lol. I was afraid prior to the cbd that no aide would want to stay with him because they would be cursed at and possibly hit. My only regret is not knowing about CBD oil sooner! I am so grateful to God for leading me to this miraculous herb!!

  7. Y’all might have seen this before. There is no denying what you are witnessing, after a woman administers CBD to a dementia sufferer over a four week period.

    I have lesions on my brain from radiation poisoning, and I am doing this and much more.

    The best of health to all of us going forward.



  8. I have benifited greatly from using CBD oil and bio-wave therapy for fibromyalgia and chronic pain associated with multiple spine surgeries. I am curious if CBD oils and biowave treatment can help patients with dimentia?

  9. have alz and cbd oil restores cognition, gives me ability to walk, clean up. It works very fast. I have "meltdowns" where despair and anger converge, the cbd oil ends that state of mind within 10 minutes. A puff of Kush ends disturbed thinking within minutes.I use it alland I have become calmer, happier and made peace with the illness. It seems like running out of gas, putting gas in the tank, the brain needs something it stimulates.

  10. I met a woman with Alzheimer's. She would forgot everything every 45 to 60 seconds. She is aware of her condition. I told her I had something that was supposed to help with Alzheimer's. She asked what it was and I told her it's was a non psychoactive cannabis extract called THCA made by Jaydens Juice. She agreed she wanted to try it. I gave her four drops under her tongue. 15 minutes later we introduced ourselves to her. Came back 15 minues later and she still remembered all of our Names. 30 minutes later she still remembered all of us! Something she had not been able to do. Absolutely amazing effects.

  11. take virgin coconut oil also, the problem is dementia and alzheimers is diabetes of the brain, the brain is literally eating itself because insulin and sugars not nurishing cells in brain thats where coconut oil comes in, check out how other people brought themselves back with it

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