Crime Talk Live! Q&A… Let's Talk About It

Welcome to the most fact-driven and unbiased true crime and crime news channel on YouTube! Miss Winnie’s CBD dog & cat …


  1. Look at Garland’s record. Anyone come to mind? No leaks, with indictments, convictions & no overturns. You will see your facts soon enough. Your support of 45 is transparent.

  2. Adventures with purpose, free, company donates sonar that few law enforcement can afford, does not charge, started with smallyoutube channel and grown because they really do good searching water for missing loved ones, at loved ones request. They respect law enforcement and do not do it to steal attention. They fully respect law end
    Force me t and do their research before choosing where to search for person, please do a show on how they work with law enforcement and family, they have found long missing in cars in the water, their specialty

  3. By the way, Jesse Watters had the full video and a complete analysis of the situation on Fox at 6pm central last night. Very interesting info if you have time.

  4. I think it’s funny that people think you are on one political side or the other. That means their feeet are firmly planted on one side. As someone who stands in the middle, I can never tell what side you’re rooting for, because I’m not offended by you saying negative things about “my side”. You’re speaking the truth, regardless of who it benefits.

  5. Scott, as an American citizen, you DO have a dog in the hunt! We cannot tolerate a DOJ that is out of control. Remember the phony FISA warrant? And the current warrant stating the were looking for dos dated from 2017 to 2021? That's the full presidential term. And they knew exactly where they were located, under lock and key because they were their in June and were shown the storage location. They were like, ok, cool, just put an extra lock on the area. But they spent 9 HOURS snooping thru the entire residence including Melania's closet. Please dig in to this.

  6. The only thing I worry about with the Trump affidavit is the informant being known at this time. T's supporters have proven they are willing to kill on his behalf, Jan 6th. Otherwise I agree with you on this topic. I think there are several people who should be charged with negligence in the Rust matter. So many people did not do their jobs. The crew complained about safety and emails have come out to support the claim. Mgmt wrote emails back blowing off safety procedures. Several people should be charged.

  7. anyone who wants to be a cop are nuts..let all the criminals run rampant and then see these cop haters start crying for police.sure there are a few bad ones but the good ones far ourweigh the bad and i wouldnt put up with the crap they do on a daily basis abd now no matter what they get put in jail for anything anymore these thugs can cuss spit hit run whatever they want and if cops do anything they are crucified

  8. You can't compare the government being secretive about the documents they so called found to anyone else ever , if your honest with yourself you know Trump would sell our national secrets to the highest bidder! That is one man that is a habitual liar and he was subpoenaed and acts like this was sprung on him with no notice I guess they were supposed to negotiate with him.honestly Baldwin is a jerk that's obvious but he hired someone to test that gun but nobody's going after her if hes guilty it's of hiring scabs instead of union actors it's sleazy but not criminal even after the fact he didn't appear to to heartless.

  9. These parents just don't know, I think at this point they need to tell the searchers don't disturb the immediate crime scene, but please come gather at such and such time and we will do a grid search otherwise there never gonna find there son even if the state , feds whoever is leading the investigation.

  10. Scott, I worked in municipal government, trust me we have some real dumbells in this country. And they elected Trump, Gohmert, Marjorie Taylor Green etc. By and large we are a poorly educated country.

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